April 29, 2017

Absolutely Lovely

Aaron could suggest where they went? He gave Sam a sidelong glance as he hobbled forward. Really? Or was she just trying to make him feel better? He shrugged and remained quiet for a few minutes as he thought.

"I... heard there's a lake... about a half hour away?" He stopped in the hall and leaned against the wall for support as he rested his knee. His eyes found their way too Sam's. And like dissipating smoke, the darkness faded, exposing a light... a light that was surprisingly warm. Then it was gone, just as quickly, and the darkness was back. "Or... would that be too far and too out in the open?"

Hunter chuckled and shook his head. "I dunno... you've done a good job being a passenger but I'm not sure I'd be quite as good a company as you." Smiling, he pulled her tighter and just hugged her close. "Mm... I could just hold you all day long," he murmured. 

Pulling back, he put his lips to hers and kissed her slowly with a warm passion, fully aware they were completely alone out here in the middle of nowhere... and fully content with that. One hand remained on her hip, while the other cradled the side of her face gently. He didn't know how much time had passed, nor did he care, when he finally drew back. His eyes searched hers as his thumb ran along her cheek. The same tingle returned to his spine. "I keep thinking you can't get any more amazing," he whispered. "But you keep proving me wrong."

Zan had been so lost in his thoughts, that Destiny's voice made him jump. He turned to see her face inches from his, the sweet smell of almonds reaching his senses and causing him to smile. He chuckled and glanced down at the sugar packets. "I guess I am a sorry sight, aren't I?" 

He looked across the table at her as she sat down, and suddenly felt sorry for not having gone home first to clean up. She was absolutely perfect, and here he was, still with shop grease under his nails and in need of a shower. His eyes roamed her face, wondering what was different about her tonight. Was it a lack of makeup? The more casual clothes? Whatever it was, it suited her well.

Realizing he was staring, he shoved the packets to the side in a heap and shook his head, still smiling. "My day was spent working on my poor baby. But... got some unexpected help from some other racers and... looks like it's not gonna take nearly as long to be up and running again." He gave her a bit of a sheepish look. "I, um... prolly woulda texted you yesterday but I was working in the garage super late and... didn't want you to think I was... too anxious." A little bit of color crept into his face. "And now you probably think I'm a filthy bum anyway." He looked down at his hands and grimaced. "No matter how much you scrub, the grease just doesn't want to come out." His eyes glanced back up again. "You, on the other hand... are absolutely lovely."

A grin returned to his lips and he looked over at the counter. "Can I get you a coffee?"