April 23, 2017

Feel Bad

Hunter chuckled and slid his hand across the table to take Ryan's, his fingers interlocking with hers. "I could never ask that of you," he responded softly. "I know once you've practiced, you're gonna race again, and you're gonna love it just as much as before. I can't... let you just quit because of me. Us." He sighed deeply. "Maybe we'll just have to not compete any more. Not drive in the same races. Go every other one or something."

He shrugged. "I need the cash, but maybe I do need to find some sort of real job so I don't depend on my gambling so much." The thought wasn't appealing. Neither was only racing half the time. But he really didn't want to race against Ryan any more. He knew in the end, it would cause a strain.

"We'll just... play it by ear and figure something out, okay? I just don't want you to give it up. I would always feel bad."

Hal felt bad for Sam, but there really was nothing he could do. Aaron had been a jerk, and there was nothing Hal could do to fix that. He wandered slowly to the parking lot with Sam, walking her to her car. 

"Last news I got was... they weren't doing so hot." He pursed his lips grimly. "I guess they tried something where Jason unloaded on Katie to try and force their connection to balance out but all it did was cause Katie to sleep for three days because it was too hard on her. Rick is still hopeful that it did some good. He thinks they just need to be patient but... nobody knows for sure."

Reaching her car, he stopped his slow stride and turned to her. "Just keep praying they find the balance they need to survive." Worry lay in his eyes. He cared a great deal for both Katie and Jason. It was hard not being able to talk about all this freely either, and he was glad she'd asked.

"You, um... calling it a night?" She looked tired and worn out, but he wouldn't mind doing something with her if she wasn't heading home yet.

Aaron glares at the ceiling as he lay on his bed. Aaron, you're a jerk, you know that? Why couldn't you have just kept your big mouth shut? You knew Hal was there five minutes after you walked into that bar. Why couldn't you have just accepted it and had a good time anyway without showing off and trying to control Sam again?

He smirked at his inner thoughts. He was trying so hard to stay on top of his thing. Maybe he couldn't go back to the Agency. Maybe they really would kill him. But he was still trying to control his situation. To get out somehow. All he knew how to do was try to dominate, using threats or bullying. But why did it leave a bad taste in his mouth with Sam? Why did he... feel bad? He shouldn't feel bad. Where was that emotion coming from?