April 17, 2017

Real Awkward

Seeing Destiny's discomfort rise and hearing the disappointed tone of her voice, Zan bit his lip. Now he felt badly. His shoulders sank, and he let out the breath he'd been holding. Reaching over, he put a gentle finger under Destiny's chin and forced her to look back up at him. "You don't owe me anything," he responded softly. "I'm sorry I just asked you that - it was inappropriate. I..." He sighed. "Last date I was on, the tables were turned. I didn't realize it til she had me in her apartment and she wanted way more than I did." His eyes rolled. "I'm tired of that kind of woman and... I just wanted to see what kind you were." He paused, studying her eyes once more. "I'm really glad you said no."

A little smile emerged on his lips. "You never once gave me the wrong impression. You've been an angel - don't ever stop that, no matter who the guy is." Retreating a little, he looked back to his apartment again. "Besides... I see Jett's truck, and that could have gotten real awkward real fast." He threw her a sidelong glance before a laugh broke through. "I really did have a good time tonight and... I'm hoping it won't be the last time we can do something like this... if you're not too mad at me?"

Hunter nodded to Ryan. "I will. Promise." Leaning close, he gave her a kiss which he let linger and deepen for just a few moments before pulling away and smiling. "Talk to you later." Finally prying himself from her, he donned his helmet and mounted his motorcycle, beeping the horn at her after he'd started the engine. Going to stop at the Karate school was going to be hard... but he needed to do it, then go home, if for nothing else than to just get night number one - alone - over with.

"Don't mind a bit." Tal got to his feet and gave Brooke a hand up as well. "Anything would be better than sticking around here at this point." He threw Eli a smirk.

Eli just grinned and waved. "You two have fun." 

"Uh-huh. I'd say the same to you but... I don't think that's necessary." Tal rolled his eyes and headed around to the front of the house, making sure Brooke was following. He led the way to his car and opened the passenger door for her before going around to the driver's side. "Okay... which way do we go?"

Jason nodded at Katie. "I think that's a good idea. He's put up with a lot, dealing with us and all. I kinda feel bad for how I've given him a bad time sometimes." 

He tried eating some more soup, his mind still working.
Think he and Janet ever go on vacation?
"Maybe we should try getting her down here so they could enjoy some time."
After we're on the mend, of course.
"I dunno."
He shrugged, then paused his eating and glanced at Katie. "I totally only voiced half that. Sorry."
I gotta get a handle on this before I
"start trying to talk to others without my voice." He blinked. "Yeah. Whoa. That's weird. It's like I'm getting two languages mixed up."