April 18, 2017

Money Issue

"Aww..." Eli grinned and wriggled around teasingly. "You got me all feeling warm and fuzzy." He lowered himself from his elbows again and picked up where he'd left of for a few minutes before drawing back and sighing deeply. "You love me now, but you realize you risk getting tired of me, right? Constantly being around. Constantly needing you. Constantly kissing you..." 

He chuckled and kissed her nose. "I... will certainly not complain about you being around more. And..." His tone grew a little more serious. "If my venture doesn't pan out, I'll go back to work somewhere. I don't wanna put our future in jeopardy just 'cause I can't make ends meet." He bit his lip and brushed some of her hair from her face. "'Cause right about now... I can't see my future without you in it."

Reading Ryan's text, Hunter sighed again. Rolling off the bed, he wandered to the pantry and found the little bag of candy. He smiled to himself and took a piece to suck on, and also grabbed a couple more, taking them back to the bedroom with him. 

He flopped back down again and returned to his phone. 
You're too good to me, you know that?
I dunno what I'd do.

He rolled over onto his back. Then his other side. On his back again. 
Come to think of it...
I dunno what to do by myself at all.

After he'd sent it, he rolled his eyes. He really needed to shape up and get back to normal. Normal, as in he was a bachelor. Maybe he needed a dog. He rolled his eyes again. 
I'm gonna try to sleep early.
Talk to ya tomorrow.

"You're not late." Tal shook his head. He watched her with the dogs and his smile grew. His girls were friendly, but they still had a keen sense of whether or not a person was trustworthy or not. They liked Brooke and...that was a good thing. 

"Um..." He scratched the back of his head and looked around the living room. "I don't have a lot of rhyme or reason. Which... is probably half my problem. I've got most of my stuff into this room so it's all in one spot. Ish... most of the piles go together. So just start throwing things into boxes... I guess."

He eyed Brooke, then laughed. "If you haven't noticed already, I'm just a wee bit unorganized. But on the plus side, I've actually been doing some cleaning, which is quite a feat for me." 

Eva had disappeared, and now reappeared with a squeaky toy, which she brought to Brooke, and nudged her arm playfully.

Tal rolled his eyes. "Hey. Put that back away. We're packing, not unpacking."

Eva huffed a sigh, turned around and went to one of the open boxes, dropping it back inside. 

"Thank you." Tal wandered back to the box he'd been working on, packing the car magazines he wasn't willing to get rid of.

The rock music blared loudly, half covering up the sounds of clanking tools and a few more cuss words than were necessary. Zan straightened up from the open engine of his car and stepped back to wipe his greasy hands on a rag. 

"How goes it?"

He glanced up as Tony wandered up to him in the cluttered garage. It was off to the edge of a junkyard where they mostly tore apart totalled cars rather than fixing them. But they let Zan use the garage whenever he needed it, and gave him the option of paying them to fix things up, or doing it himself. Unless he was short on time, he usually chose to do it himself, which was cheaper in the long run, and he did love the work. Unless it was caused by Thunder for the second time in two weeks. "Eh. It goes. I'm gonna need parts and I just don't know if I can afford them."

Tony shrugged and leaned back against the workbench. "You're surrounded by a junkyard, you know."

"Yeah, but I still gotta find the cash."

Tony pursed his lips before sighing. "Well... just get 'er fixed and we'll work out the details later. If you can't find something, let me know and I'll help hunt." 

"Thanks, Tony." Left alone again, Zan went back to work. The only thing he couldn't do was the body work. Even if he did get the engine running, that didn't mean it would be driveable. And then he was back to the money issue. He groaned and leaned back down into the engine... 

...Several hours later and covered in grime and grease, Zan sat cross-legged on the cement floor next to his car. Tired, hot and frustrated, he wiped sweat from his brow, but all that did was smear more dirt around. He wiped his hands on his jeans and picked up his phone to check his text messages. Most of them were from Jett about his plans for the evening. Scrolling down, he found the messages from the day before from Destiny. Wasn't it too soon to be contacting her again? It hadn't even been a whole day since he'd last seen her. Then again...
Had a brownie for breakfast :) 
Need to give your container back.