April 25, 2017

Always Exciting

Axel watched Ryan as she went back to the car, and his eyes lowered. He glanced at Eli, who returned just a sad look - which was for both Ryan and Axel. 

Hunter quickly finished his pizza and wandered over to the car next to Ryan. He slipped an arm around her shoulders and gave her a little squeeze before retreating and grabbing the tool he'd been using. "I think we oughtta go for an evening bike ride tonight... what do you say?" 

Zan cleared his throat and glanced at Ryan again, then back to Axel. "Well, I'm sorry about your situation. But if you think I'd be a good fit for J&J's, I'd be happy to give it a shot, just to get back in a garage again."

"You'll give the others a run for their money, I guarantee it." Axel had watched Zan and had taken note of everything - and he was witness to the fact that he was a very good mechanic. 

Zan grinned. "Except Ryan... I think she's got us all beat."

Axel chuckled. "I won't argue with you there." He glanced back over to Ryan, still feeling badly. He wished there was another option for him, but at this point... there didn't seem to be any. He finished his slice of pizza and sighed before standing up. "Okay... I got a little more time, but I do have a movie date tonight, so let's get moving again." 

Aaron managed a little smile as Sam left. He sat for a long time, just looking at the open door. Freedom. So close. And yet so far away. He'd enjoyed himself last night. Sam made him smile. He had a little bit of hope. But... what did it really matter?

He finally laid on his back and simply remained still. He knew if he wandered around alone, nobody else would tolerate it. He'd get in trouble just for being there, and then he'd be locked up again. Was this just... his lot? The end? This was it? If it wasn't, when would they let him go? What would it take? Or was Sam wrong, and would they really end up throwing him in prison anyway?

Looking up quickly as Sam entered the office, Hal chuckled at her greeting. "Nothing more exciting than Wyatt tripping over an extension cord, which was pretty funny, Susanne giving Pete whatfor, for his sloppy handwriting on a report, and Kirk and Adison's brief meeting in the filing room." 

He smirked and swiveled around in his chair to glance at the monitors. "Otherwise... nope." He paused. "Well, you're here. That's always exciting." He threw a look over his shoulder just for a second. "How's our resident doing this morning?" 

Jason laughed at Katie and rolled his eyes. "Okay. Don't go anywhere." He was quick to take a shower, and felt even better by the time he returned - better than he had in a very long time, actually. Coming back into the bedroom, he had on clean clothes, and his hair was still damp. Seeing Katie was still under the covers, he threw a playful jolt her direction before flopping down on the bed right next to her, jostling the bed. "Hey. I want coffee, but I'm too scared to go to the kitchen by myself."

He pulled the blanket down to uncover her face, and grinned before leaning in and giving her lips a long, tender kiss. "You awake yet?"