April 29, 2017

Perfectly Content

Aaron blinked, and retreated slightly. "Serious? You'd... actually take me there?" He'd thought for sure that would be over the line. That she'd never go for it. It made his inner war even more intense. Was he being brainwashed? Was he being manipulated without even realizing it? Everything about Sam said no. Surely she wasn't that good of a liar that he wouldn't be able to see through it. 

He started forward again, still using the single crutch and trying to put more weight on his knee. "That... sounds nice, actually." Maybe... if he really did have any hope at all, he did need to just behave. At least he'd get some sunshine this way. Oh, to just sit in the sun.

Another step and his knee gave out. Muttering a curse as he almost fell, he leaned on the wall again. Sweat trickled down the back of his neck as he withheld groaning from the excruciating pain.

"I think..." Hunter rocked Ryan back and forth a little as they stood together. "That is the perfect idea. Especially the cuddle part."

He grinned before stealing an extra kiss. "That only leaves one question..." Gripping her tighter, he buried his face against her neck, kissing it before whispering in her ear. "Your place or mine?" 

Drawing back, he gave her a silly smile. He really didn't care. And if all they did was curl up on the couch and fall asleep, he would be perfectly content. 

Zan's eyes widened slightly at Destiny's comment, and he couldn't help his chuckle. He shook his head, his eyes twinkling. "I'm not sure I ever met a woman who liked it before. Tolerated it maybe but..." He gave her a teasing look before picking up another sugar packets to fidget with.

Her blushing cheeks just made her look cute, which just made his smile remain. "Well you should feel good, 'cause I never lie."

After their order came, he sipped his coffee drink slowly and sighed. "Mm... I didn't used to be a coffee drinker," he admitted. "Now there's never a bad time of day for a cup." He shifted in the booth to sit sideways, and scooted back so he could stretch out his legs... which were long enough that his feet still hung over the edge. Glancing back over at Destiny, he took note again that her hair hadn't been quite dry when she'd arrived. "You were... on your way to bed before I texted you... weren't you?"