April 23, 2017

Give Back

Just smiling at Hunter Ryan still couldn't believe he found it so surprising she thought so highly of him. Sooner or later he as just going to have to face the fact she'd grown attached to him.  It had happened fast, but it felt right and that's all that mattered to Ryan. 

   "Tomorrow is a short day so nine to noon. I can talk to Axel, and then after head on over to the junk yard."

The rest of the evening went well as Ryan and Hunter talked and laughed.  To soon it seemed like they were saying good night. That was always the worse part of the night and Ryan hated it.

Morning came and went as fast as the night had which Ryan didn't mind. At least that meant she would see Hunter sooner again. Finishing the car she was working on it was the last one of the day she wondered over to where Axel was leaning on the bench.

   "Hey Axel got a second?"

Once getting the ok for him to talk Ryan gave him the whole rundown on everything that was going on with Zan and Thunder and their plans to get him back out there racing and Thunder gone.  

   "You and Eli help me, now I want to help someone else and if you don't want to work on the car with us at least be there so we know we are doing the right thing. What do you say?"

Getting to the coffee shop Sam was just happy for the company. The night really hadn't been that bad even if things hadn't gone totally how she had wanted with Aaron. She still thought she made a few steps forward and thats what mattered. 

   "You are going to have to stop saying you are sorry. We could have had the best of the best there tonight and he still wouldn't of known."

Taking a sip of her coffee Sam just watched Hal for a long moment. There was just something about him that intrigued her. He was different from most men she knew. Whatever it was she liked it that was different about him.

   "No way you are getting fired. They'd have to try and go through me for that and I am now having it."