April 30, 2017


Hal didn't even look up at Sam as he shook his head. No, he didn't want to tell her what happened. If he said it out loud... it would make it more real. He just toyed with his phone for a few minutes until eventually he found his voice. "Alison left me a message this morning," he explained softly. "She's moving to England with her mother and stepfather."

Tears sprang into his eyes, although he didn't allow them to fall, and he finally looked over at Sam. "My ex is taking my daughter to live in a different country and-" His voice cracked and he shook his head before he stood up again. "And I'm just awaiting the official word that there's nothing I can do about it." He left the room and went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. He didn't know why. He really didn't want any. It was just something to keep himself busy. As he tried to pour the grounds into the filter though, his hand shook, making it a more difficult task than it should be.

Zan's eyes widened for a second before he started to laugh, and he shook his head. "Naw, nothing like that. I'll admit, I'd like to go beat him up - he's certainly asked for it. But no." His eyes twinkled with humor. "If I was gonna go punch him in the mouth, I probably wouldn't invite an audience." He tossed Destiny a wink.

"The guy who stopped me from trying to get a fight the other night? Eli? He has an idea about me and two other racers ganging up on Thunder during a race. Force him to lose, basically. And probably more than once, until he gets the idea he can't win, and he'll be forced to retreat. He's even been outdoing newbie racers lately and that is a big unwritten no-no. Once you race with the big boys, you can't compete with the little guys anymore. He's just doing it to show off and be king of the hill."

He smirked as he sipped his coffee. "He's just a big bully that needs to be knocked down a peg or two. As much as I'd like to put my fist to his jaw, Eli's plan is smarter and will get rid of him for good, rather than just rile him up. And... It'll save me from breaking my hand."

He gave her a crooked grin. "Having you on the sidelines would be a plus."