April 25, 2017


You know...I always asked myself that too.

Leaning her head into Jason's hand Katie just continued to soak in the emotions, and push back more loving ones, joyful ones, and happiness. She could never tire of how this felt, about how close she and Jason were. No one would ever understand what it was like, but it was special to them.

I'm happy we are going to be ok. 

Finally opening her eyes again they twinkled with life, with love, and though she still felt tired it was more of a just woke up tired then worn out. Coffee sounded the best to her right now and Katie couldn't help the growl in her stomach.  

   "I guess we better go tell the others so everyone can stop worrying now."

The afternoon had gone quickly and no one complained though when it as time to eat the pizza everyone was ready. It had felt nice having everyone here. Though Ryan had never hung out with Zan and Axel before it felt like they were all old friends. Even being the only girl Ryan didn't care she just felt like one of the guys.

Taking a bite of pizza and hearing Axel's comment Ryan looked to him quickly...


Was all she could manage as pizza fell out of her mouth. A sad feeling washed over her as the wheels in her mind turned. She knew sooner or later if Axel's hand didn't get better he would have to stop working at the shop but it was a thought she didn't like to think about and hoped would happen later then sooner.

Even though she had never said it Axel was one of her bestest friends at work and the thought of him not being there was heart breaking. Looking back own at her pizza she was quiet. What would work be like with him when he was the one she talked to most.

Walking past the room where Aaron was Sam stopped hearing him call to her. Backtracking she went to the door and leaned on the frame her arms crossed.

   "Good Morning!"

Hearing what Aaron had to say Sam nodded and couldn't help the slight look of surprise. The last thing she had expected was an apology from him. She hadn't been that upset last night. Irritate a little yet but mad not really. It was nice though hearing him say he was sorry.

   "You didn't rune your chances. You were great company last night, didn't try to escape and were gentlemen.  That's what my report to Reese, and to Kirk will say about our outing. I can't fault you for being human. I'm sorry two for not telling you we were being watched."

Pushing off the wall and standing Sam smiled. It had bothered her all night thinking maybe she had broken Aaron's trust, but maybe he was more human than she thought. Maybe it was a tactic, but she'd like to think he was being genuine. 

   "We're good. Now I better go but this report in before I get an ear full. Maybe when I'm done we can work on that model more, or take a short walk around the building. Feel free to keep the door open, the air is getting kind of stale in here."