April 13, 2017

Say it Is

"Um, excuse me..."

Zan snapped to attention as the customer cleared her throat. "Oh, sorry." He bit the inside of his lip to rid himself of his grin, and rang up the gas and let her pay. "Thanks. Have a good one." Once she was gone, he turned around again, leaning back against the counter and finished reading Destiny's text, which made his grin reappear.

Sure looks like a date to me.
So let's just say it is so we don't have
to wonder about it later. ;-)

He rolled his eyes. It was a good thing no one else was seeing this - they'd never let him live it down. He sent a second message. 

Mom and Pop's at 6. 
See ya then.

Hunter could feel heat rise to his face at Ryan's comment, and he shook his head. "I thought I was the one in a dream. Does that mean we got some weird inception going on here?" he teased, referring to one of his favorite movies. In reality, he couldn't believe Ryan was still with him. For her to say he was the best thing that had happened to her was so unbelievable, he almost wanted to laugh.

Letting go of her hand, he slipped his arm over her shoulders. "Eh. You got Eli. And work. You won't notice I'm not around." He paused. "Speaking of which, I... can probably survive in my own again... if you wanna grab your stuff from my place and take it home when we go later..." He really was scared to go it alone again but he knew he needed to in order to get over this bump in the road. And he also knee it was best not to draw this thing out and get too used to staying together.