April 8, 2017

Just in Case

Jade nodded, even though she really didn't understand. She missed Katie, and she and Jason had ended up as friends, so she hated seeing them both like this. It was scary to think something could happen and there was nothing anyone could do about it. "Well... if you want some company or... or need anything, just text me. I'm always around here somewhere, cleaning, cooking or watching kids."

After she left, Jason turned to look at Katie, and smiled. "That was sweet of her. She seems to have really settled in here." It seemed like a lifetime ago that he and Jade had shared a kiss... gone on dates... and talked of very different futures.

Having forgotten he was open to Katie, he scrunched his nose before he leaned over to give her a kiss on the lips. "You weren't supposed to see that," he whispered. 
I'm glad my path led me to you instead... Pain or not... I wouldn't trade my life with you for the world.

Kirk sank down in his chair near Adison and sighed. "Well... first official conflict. I don't agree with Reese... but I don't know what to do about it."

He swiveled around a few moments, thinking. "I'm not sure in the big scheme of things if it will really make a difference. But I know good and well what the FBI would think." He shook his head. "Misty's been put in charge of Chance because she says he's unstable and thinks he needs care. Okay, fine, but the FBI would still haul him in, grill him, then send him to confinement in prison where a counselor could deal with him there." He shrugged. "I know he was one of their own here but... I don't agree with the risk, let alone letting him have time to come up with another plan. He should be in the interrogation room right now."

Justin was surprised to hear of Reese's decision, and lifted his eyebrows. He was pleased though. Chance did need help - he might get some counseling in prison, but being behind bars alone would surely just make his condition worse. "Of course I'll work with him," he agreed. To be honest, even though he felt badly for Chance, he was glad for a new opportunity to help. After his screw-up with Garrett, he felt the need to redeem himself. 

"For starters, he can't be left alone - at least not within range of anything he could use to hurt himself. I think give the opportunity, he'd definitely take his own life right now. So if no one can be here, I'm afraid he'll need to be restrained." He thought for a moment. "I considered a cell downstairs... It would have to be reworked a bit so there wouldn't be anything he could use to hurt himself though, and even then, someone would have to keep a close eye on the cameras." He sighed. "For now though... I think in here is the best option. The less threatened he feels, the better. I've got other clients and obligations elsewhere though, which means we may need someone else - or two - to have around so someone is always here. That would be your preference as to who, though."

The evening wasn't much different than normal. Except that he had a race tonight. His car was back in working order and he needed to be there, lest anyone think he got scared away. Besides, he could use some extra cash if he could pull off a win - he was pretty sure Ryan wouldn't be back quite yet, and he was also pretty sure Hunter wouldn't be in good enough shape for racing yet. That put the odds more in his favor. 

Zan was in his usual spot at The Griller. It was starting to get dark though, which meant it would be time to light the fire barrels and get things started outside of town. He didn't want to miss getting set on the starting line but... 

He scanned the room again before taking a swig of his pop. He just figured it couldn't hurt to be here for a while... just in case a certain someone happened to walk through that door again. Not that he was here just for that reason but... he might as well leave that possibility open, right? If he never saw Destiny again, he'd assume it meant she'd moved on and was well. So really, it would be good if she didn't show up here again. But just in case she did... he'd at least be here.