April 11, 2017


Zan was about to say more, but when Jett returned, the brief conversation closed. He did wonder though, about Destiny's observation of Jett getting picked on. Had it bee  bad tonight? Had she noticed it through whatever happened that Jett didn't want to talk about? No matter, he saw genuineness in her eyes. She really did care about someone she'd just met, and he found it rather appealing. 

Oblivious to the more serious topic, Jett watched Destiny closely as she finally took a bite of her chili fries. At her reaction, he pumped the air with his fist. "Yes! I knew it! A woman after my own heart." He took one of his own fries and ate it with a sigh of content before looking over at Zan. "Where'd you find her anyway?"

Zan gave him a crooked grin, then glanced to his side at Destiny. "I guess I found her... on a new path to better things."

Jett chewed another fry and looked back and forth between them for a moment. Zan had yet to actually explain where they'd met and why he'd brought her to the races - he wasn't known for his women.  

Zan pried his eyes away from Destiny and started working on his own food. "So, Jett... you the one that clued in Eli?"

Jett paused his chewing. He'd hoped the subject wouldn't come up. Instead of answering the question, he focused on Destiny again. "The guy we saw talking to Zan there at the end? Eli McKade. His sister Ryan is the best racer to hit the sand."

Zan grunted. "Hunter can take her."

"Nu-uh. Ryan's got him, hands down."

"That's not what the records say."

Jett smirked. "Well she's been here longer at any rate, and won more races. I'd still put my money on her."

"Only cuz you think she's hot."

Jett's face flushed. "I do not!"

Zan just grinned and took another bite of chicken after dipping it in some hot sauce. "So. Eli. You talk to him?"

Jett focused on his fries. "I mighta said something in passing."

"Mm-hmm." Zan really didn't appreciate the interference. If he'd wanted Eli's help dealing with Thunder, he could have asked himself. Since they weren't alone though, he let the matter drop for now. Instead, he turned the focus back to Destiny. "So aside from seeing me crash and burn... what did you really think of the scene tonight? Something you might come to again or would you rather forget?" he teased.

The next few days felt like a blur, and a nightmare. Everyone at the ranch was concerned for Katie, but she remained asleep. Even though Rick remained concerned as well, he insisted she would wake if they just gave her enough time.

Jason refused to leave her side more than a few minutes at a time. Whether day or night, he only left the bedroom when absolutely necessary, and then returned to the bedside once more. When tired, he either fell asleep in the chair or crawled in bed again too. More than once, Rick found him just sitting on the floor in the corner, watching Katie's silent form. He didn't push, though. For once, he didn't ​give Jason a bad time, but gave him space instead. 

By day three, Jason had hardly slept at all. Dark circles underlined his eyes, and his lips hadn't smiled since before their trial. He'd started to play his guitar a couple times, but even that was just too much, and he'd simply returned to the bedside once more. Just sitting in the same chair, his gaze didn't want to leave Katie. He was losing track of time, but didn't even care.