April 4, 2017


Once finished putting the IV in Chance Misty went back to her desk and let out a long sigh. At least he seemed to be resting now and hopefully would for the rest of the day. After everything that had gone on, he needed his strength back.'

Looking up at Justin came into the room and over to her Misty offered a small smile. She was happy he was here. Chance needed someone and maybe Justin could help.

   "He's a mess. I'm pretty sure he had a nervous breakdown. I've been just trying to keep him calm at the moment so his body doesn't go into shock."

Misty glanced at Chance before looking to Justin again.

   "I'm actually worried if left alone he will hurt himself. He is super depressed, gets worked up, and is worried beyond anything that he has lost Destiny. Even at the mention, he hyperventilates. It just breaks my heart to see him like this...no matter what he did no one deserves this."

   "I cant stop grinning when I've got something worth grinning about."

Just letting Hunter nuzzle into her and wrap his arm over her. Leaning her head on his and bringing her hand up to his arm Ryan sighed with content. She never would have though for lack of better words would of shared a bed with someone before. But with Hunter it was nice, and she had no fear of him trying anything with her. Right or wrong, she was comfortable and enjoyed having him hold her while she slept. 

   "Good Night Hunter."

Kissing the top of his for head Ryan smiled before her eyes drifted shut. Sleep would find her quickly tonight. She was way to comfortable for it not too.

Walking with Zan to the little coffee shop was nice and Destiny enjoyed the company. The air felt good, and just knowing someone was there helped too. At least she wasn't alone even if she didn't know Zan that much.

Getting to the little shop and ordering a warm coffee Destiny took a sip. Hearing his question she thought for a moment. It had been a long time since she really explained herself or what she liked to anyone.

   "Well, I like to read, paint, movies, long walks on the beach, though I haven't been to a beach in a long time."

Looking own at her coffee she really did have a boring life now that she thought about it.

   "I like sour candy too. I don't get out much. My life is on the dull side. What about you?"