April 12, 2017

Big Deal

Taking the paper with Destiny's number on it, a smile spread on Zan's lips. "Well, the Griller isn't so bad but... there are definitely some better spots to hang out." 

A beeping horn made him roll his eyes. "My ride awaits. Thanks for coming along tonight... it was fun." It felt like something more should be said, but without knowing what, Zan finally turned to join Jett in the pickup. 

"Home?" Jett questioned.

Zan looked at the clock and nodded. "Yeah. I gotta be at the gas station at ten in the morning, so I should prolly get a little sleep at least." 

"Okay." Pulling out of the lot, Jett gave Zan a sidelong glance, noticing that he was looking in the side mirror watching Destiny pull away as well. "So... how'd you two meet anyway?"

"Hmm?" Zan dragged his attention away from the mirror. "Oh. She came into the Griller a couple nights ago and some guys were looking for trouble. I mighta stepped in and thrown them out." 

Jett's jaw dropped. "And you didn't tell me about it?" 

Zan shrugged. "It was no big deal. She was kinda having a bad night anyway so we went out for coffee til she felt like going home."

"And? Tonight?"

"She came to the Griller again, I invited her to the race, end of story." 

"That's it?"

"Well what do you want?" 

Jett smirked. "How about that?" He pointed to the little container at Zan's feet that had been rescued from his car. 

"Just a thank you for helping her out."

"Oh really?"

"It's just brownies."

"She actually baked you something." Jett shook his head. "You are so dense."


"Nothing." Jett kept his eyes on the road, and the pickup grew silent until they'd reached Zan's apartment. He stopped in the lot and his eyes drifted to the steering wheel as he avoided looking at his friend. 

Zan gathered up his stuff and got out, but looked back in, wondering at Jett's sudden quietness. "You heading home?"

"Um. Yeah. Prolly." Jett shrugged. 

Zan pursed his lips. "Trouble with Ronnie?" 

Jett shrugged again. "It's okay. I should just go." 

After a moment or two, Zan sighed. "Wanna crash here the night?" 

"Okay." Jett's answer came quickly, and he put his pickup in park and shut off the engine. 

"You know, one of these days, you're gonna have to stand up to him."

"I know. Next time." 

Zan rolled his eyes. That's what he always said. It never happened, and his roommate continued to be a bully. He didn't say it though - he'd said it multiple times already. Walking up to his apartment's door, he fished in his pocket for his keys, then stopped. He pulled out his keyring, but then reached back in, finding his pocket now empty. He checked his other pocket, then looked at Jett with wide eyes. He started checking his back pockets and his jacket, too. 

Jett arched an eyebrow. "Lose something?" 

"No. Yeah. I don't know." Zan kept hunting and double-checking, then went back to Jett's truck and opened the passenger side again to feel around the seat and the floor. 

"What on earth are you looking for?"

"My locket, okay?" Zan snapped. "I know I grabbed it from my car after the wreck and I was sure I put it in my pocket."

Jett backed off at his irritated tone. "I... haven't seen it. Think it fell out of your pocket? Maybe at the Hangout?" 


Forty-five minutes later, they were back at his apartment after having returned to the restaurant and doing a thorough search of the floor and table where they'd been, along with the restroom, and asking their waitress, but with no luck. Zan let them inside and tossed his keys on the table with agitation.

Jett shuffled in behind him, treading lightly. "It'll turn up," he assured. 

"We looked everywhere," Zan grumbled. "Just..." He ran a hand over his face. "I'll look again tomorrow." 

Jett bit his lip. "So... why is it-"

"Goodnight, Jett." Zan aimed for his bedroom without another word and shut the door.

Left alone, Jett sighed and took off his jacket and shoes before flopping down on the couch. Nobody knew why that locket was so important to Zan - not even him. But this was the first time Jett had seen him lose it, and he'd had no idea it was that big of a deal.

As Katie's breathing improved a little, Rick gave Jason a nod. Katie was just very worked up and needed to settle down, but he didn't think it was anything worse than that - at this point. 

Jason kept a hold on her hand, while his free hand rested near her forehead, gently combing her hair.
"It's okay... just relax... you're alright." Fresh tears sprang into his eyes. He was so relieved to see her awake at all, but still so scared. 

When I let all my emotions go, it was too much and you passed out. You've been asleep for several days... gave us all quite a scare.

He was still scared, but tried not to let her feel that at this point. What he did try to let her feel was anything good he could muster. He didn't push though... At this point, he didn't know if the conduit between them was any better than it had been before, and he didn't want to cause her any pain right now. She needed to recover first. 

I just want you to be okay.... so just rest.