July 7, 2017

Truth Be Told...

I'm ok, don't worry about me...only yourself right now.

Truth be told Katie was just as tired as Jason. It took a lot of out of her when these episodes hit but she would never complain, or never let on that it did that. Lucky for her most of the time after, Jason was want to rest and that gave her reason to rest too.

As Jason got up and ran to the bathroom Katie headed that way too before stopping at the steps and calling to Jed and Sarah. 

   "It's ok to come down now if you can bring the juice and crackers."

Going to the bathroom Katie just pushed some loving emotions towards Jason. She wasn't upset with him. Not in the least. Finally flushing the toilet for Jason she slung his arm over her shoulder and helped him up.

You have nothing to be sorry about. What kind of  Hero would I make if I couldn't even help you out of the bathroom?!

Moving slowly for Jason Katie directed them to the bedroom that was where he would rest, no exceptions. He needed the softness of the bed more than she did right now.

Rest...Sarah and Jed are going to bring some stuff down for you and then when you are doing better, we owe them an explanation on what's going on.

Rosetta gave her brother a gentle pat on the shoulder. She'd always do anything for him no matter what. Her family meant everything to her, no matter what happened. Not to mention she hated seeing him in this shape too.

   "You hold tight. I'll get Angel."

It didn't take long for Rosetta to get Angel and have her come check on Jeff. Checking his breathing and his eyes. She wasn't happy but at least she had been told right away. Looking at Jeff and offering a smile she wouldn't try and be to upset. 

   "Make sure you are eating and drinking and I want you to rest. Now chores for at least a week and I mean it or you will have to stay at my office where I can watch you...ok?"

Letting out a long sigh Adison just sat on the floor for another long few second. She really hadn't expected Kirk to take the new well but she new for her at this point in time it was the right thing to do. Finally standing she walked into the kitchen. Taking Kirk's free hand in her own.

   "You don't have to be an outcast. Join the Elite with me...we can do a lot of good there. You have always been my partner and I don't want that to change now."

Reaching out Adison brush some hair from Kirk's face and smiled. She was sorry she had upset him.

   "And even if you don't join me we will still be a team. I'm still going to be me, I'm still going to love everything about you, and I'm still going to help you. None of that is going to change. You mean everything to me Kirk....you always have."