June 3, 2017

Party Every Night...

   "I love you more than anything, and the size of our wedding doesn't change that. I kind of feel like...smaller will mean more. But we have to invite my Uncle or I won't make it past the honeymoon."

Accepting another kiss from Gunner Bree thought about his question for a long moment. She hadn't thought about where they would live actually. It was something good to think about though.

   "Well, we could always stay at your apartment, or mine and save to buy a house outside of town some time.  As long as I am with you, any place will be home. I think your place is a little bigger then mine though so that might give us some more space."

As Zan leaned in closer Destiny couldn't help but giggle a little leaning in too. Looking around the table at the colors she could feel her cheeks get warm before looking back to Zan.

   "Oh yeah, I'm a busy person. Didn't you know that? Party every night, totally big social circle."

Taking a pepperoni that had been on her plate she thwapped Zan on the nose with it leaving a little trail of sauce before taking the pepperoni and eating it. Humor danced in her eyes as she chuckled again.

    "I guess I could cancel everything though if you wanted to hang out some more or something."

   "Coffee...lots of it."

Ryan smiled at Hunter before giving a stretch and a yawn. It wasn't even really that late and yet it felt like it was. Maybe it was just from all the excitement this afternoon.

   "How about coffee at your place, a movie, some kissing...more coffee. I can't let you fall asleep before Dylan gets there. Someone has got to let the poor boy inside."

Helping Hal clean up Sam didn't mind. It meant she didn't have to go quite yet. But the clean up could only last so long and finally, everything was done and she knew it was that time. Walking to the door Sam stopped and smiled at Hal. She really did have a good night. 

   "This was a really good night. Thank you, and thanks for cooking again."

Bringing her hand to the side of Hal's face Sam leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips. Just letting it linger or a long moment she pulled away still smiling.