June 25, 2017


Eric shifted his gaze to his at Stacy as she sat down, and gave her a wry grin as he chuckled. "Yeah, I'm okay," he mused. "Ain't nothin' broken other than my pride." He adjusted the ice pack on his right shoulder before slipping his good arm around her. "At least this side is still good," he teased. 

He gave her an apologetic look though, knowing by the look on her face he really had worried her. "Sorry... I thought it was gonna be an easy ride, and Seven pulled me right out of the saddle. I was just glad Ashlee didn't get in the middle of it." He shook his head. "I ought to have known better." 

Sighing, he shifted a little and let the swing slowly move back and forth. "My leg took a beating too," he admitted. "But Angel thinks it'll be fine, so long as I'm careful the next few days." He gave her another sidelong glance. "I guess you'll hafta keep me occupied so I stay out of trouble..."  

Mick finally released Rosetta, turning to lean on the fence and sip the lemonade. "Maybe," he mused. It was hard, having shifted roles over the last couple years. He tried not to complain about it - it was just the business end of things, and he was happy to help Rosetta shoulder the burden. He did miss working more with the horses though. 

"I know some days it's too much for the other guys. Jim hasn't been able to do anything since his eyesight went... now Eric's out for a few days... I'm glad Lane and Xander are here at least, but still. Of course, now Dylan's gone, too." He downed the rest of the lemonade and turned back to Rosetta once more. "Didn't want to have to add more manpower, but I'm not sure I can bank on Dylan coming back," he admitted. 

"...All I wanted was a simple truth, and it turned into this... this... thing!" Kirk paced his living room, worked up about the entire day. "Barnes really gave it to me earlier about how lax the Elite is, even though I've been trying my darndest to create more structure. I even showed him how things have already changed! But no... it wasn't good enough! All he did was keep pressuring me about all the things the Elite likes to keep under wraps. Even he pointed out Jason and Katie's strange absences and he told me to either get to the bottom of it, or get rid of them because they're obviously not dependable." 

He stopped and turned to glare at Adison. He wasn't mad at her though, just the situation. "So I decided right then and there that I wasn't gonna let Reese keep sweeping things under the rug. There's a whole batch of things Barnes isn't happy about, but I figured if I could tackle just one of them, at least I could keep the Elite out of hot water. Then this! Telepathy? Manipulating emotions? Object? Glowing eyes for crying out loud! Are they really the only ones? What other surprises are there?" He threw his arms in the air. "Having Jason and Katie around in that state is dangerous - to them, and to everyone else. There is no way they should be working in the field when this thing is that volatile! And they didn't even have the decency to make us aware of it?!" 

Flopping down at the other end of the couch, he covered his face with his hands. "I didn't sign up for this," he mumbled. "I have half a mind to just pull out completely, even if it means turning in my badge."