June 24, 2017

Old Man

It's out best option to go with her at the moment. We will figure something out if it goes south.

Katie nodded her thanks to Sam before going to the car and getting in. The unknown was scary but she was happy that she and Jason were in it together at least. If nothing else, she had her best friend and the love of her life by her side. 

Putting her glasses on and getting into the car they were off. Sam drove most of the back roads and stayed quiet most of the way there. Once getting there and parking out front she kept the car on but turned to look at Jason.

   "Once Kirk knows you are gone it's going to be a manhunt. Move mostly at night if you have too, don't give anyone your real name and just be wary of everyone. Stay safe...and I hope to see you guys again one day. I'm sad I didn't get to know you guys better."

Making sure they got everything Sam finally waved and pulled off. She hoped they would be ok. She felt bad and wished there was more she could do to help but she had at least given then a good head start.

Following Jason inside Katie stayed close with her hand in his. She could feel her emotions slip now and again as they made their way through the people. She did her best though to kept it together. She didn't want innocent people affected by her, and she didn't want them to be given away by her eyes starting to glow. 

Like Sam said I think sleeping in the day would be smart, and then moving at night. As for having my Aunt contact someone...Let's hope Reese can get a message to her and then she can get a message to them. I think it would be too risky to try and call. For now, I think it would be best to take the next bus we can. I'm scared to be leaving, but im scared to stay any longer then we have too.

Katie wrapped her arms around Jason's arms and leaned her head on his shoulder. She felt exhausted and stressed. From here it would get worse before it got better. Her heart was heavy as she missed so many people in her life already.

As Ashlee watched Sparky she cringed seeing he was having a hard time. She felt bad but hoped something would work out. As time passed and soon Ashlee saw Mick she looked to Eric. She didn't know why Mick was there but hoped it wasn't because he was giving up on the horse. 

Seeing Sparky leave and Mick stay she just continued to watch. The way he moved and acted. He definitely knew what he was doing. Just sitting and watching Ashlee didn't know how much time had passed till Mick came up to her with Seven. 

Standing she wondered over to the horse and just listened to Mick as he talked and directed her. Running her hand gently along Seven's neck Ashlee smiled before looking to Mick, and then back at the horse.

   "Are you going to let me cool you off now?"

Rosetta wondered to the fence and leaned on it. She'd been watching Mick and it made her smile as much as it made her sad. She knew that look in his eye, and she knew even if he never talked about it he missed Bucker very much. 

   "You look like you are having to much fun for an old man."

Holding out a cold glass of lemon aid for him she smiled her eyes twinkling. When she watched Mick work his magic it took her back to when they were young. As much as she loved her life now she still missed their younger days.