June 20, 2017


Garret fiddled with his straw as Thirteen described how she was when first coming here. He knew what nightmares felt like. He knew how the mind could be one’s worst enemy. The only difference between them in this instance was that she’d had nothing to do with his – and he’d been involved in creating hers.

“I’m sorry,” he responded quietly. His gaze rose to look her in the eye. She had such an innocent stare. “I’m sorry you had to go through everything you did in the Agency. They had no right.” His eyes dropped again. “I had no right,” he concluded. At the time, it had simply been his duty. He’d been moving up through the ranks, and as such, Medridge wanted him to experience almost every position so he would understand how ever single part of the Agency worked. He’d only been around Thirteen for a short time, but now… looking back… all he’d been was a cruel operative, doing everything and anything he was told to do as if nobody else mattered. Innocent lives were just… play things. He’d like to believe he’d just been a programmed robot… that he’d had no choice. And yet… now that he was free, he saw just what kind of a man he’d been. And if he thought about it too long, it made him sick. 

Realizing he’d fallen quiet while staring at his shake, he looked up at Thirteen again. “Living with people who care helps.” He’d even experienced that himself with Nate, Laura and Maggie. Being alone… wasn’t fun. He took a deep breath and forced a small smile. “I’m glad you have a life now. I’m sure your family is grateful too.” 

Wyatt thought for a few seconds, before he shrugged. “I dunno. I just… don’t know. My dad’s about ready to have a mental breakdown, nobody’s happy anymore, and it just feels like every day is an uphill battle. I don’t know how that can be solved. I…” His voice trailed off as he heard the door open and glanced over his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and sank down a little further in the booth. “Seriously? I can’t get away.” Kirk and Adison had just walked in.

He gave Aerith an apologetic look. “I’m sorry… I just wanted to spend a few minutes with you and I’ll I’ve been doing is complaining.” He cringed. “I’ve done that a lot lately, haven’t I?”

Kirk slid down into a chair at a small table by the window, sitting across from Adison. He hung his sunglasses from his shirt collar, and glanced around, a bit amused. “Well, we got Garret and Wyatt here... guess today was the day for pizza.” He gave a little sigh and shook his head. “They probably think I followed them here on purpose. Every time I walk down the main floor, everybody’s eyes feel like daggers.” 

Hearing Destiny hadn’t seen The Princess Bride, Jett’s eyes widened. “Inconceivable!” 

Zan burst out laughing, but gave her a reassuring look. “You’ll get it soon. It’s a classic. You’ll either hate it or love it.”

“She’ll love it,” Jett stated flatly. “She has to, to be in this club.”

Zan grinned. “She at least has to find it halfway amusing.” He wandered to the rack of movies to find it while Destiny brought in the snacks. Taking the blankets and extra pillows, he moved the coffee table down a little, then made a nest of sorts on the floor, leaving Jett able to stretch out on the couch however he wanted. 

Settling in on the floor, shoulder-to-shoulder with Destiny – after gathering the food he wanted – he let the movie play.