June 27, 2017

...So Much

Following Eric across the yard, Stacy felt like a high schooler again. Her heart raced as she waited for him wondering what on earth he was doing.  As Eric returned and she saw the little box Stacy reached out and touched the soft velvet before opening it. Seeing the ring on the inside she ran her fingers over it. Tears formed in her eyes as she carefully took it out and slipped it on her finger.

   "It's perfect! I love it...thank you Eric!"

Looking at the ring again Stacy finally threw her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. Her tears still rolled down her face. She wasn't sad, but overjoyed with all her emotions.

   "I love you so much!"

Following Jason upstairs Katie stopped at Sarah said she was making dinner for them.  She had not expected them to feed them, or even make anything for them. She was beyond grateful. 

Fresh air sounds good!

Stepping outside the air felt nice. The house wasn't stuffy but it was a lot better outside in the nice air. As the dogs darted out and started yipping Katie bent down and scratched behind their ears. They were adorable for sure. 

Standing and hearing Jason's comment Katie laughed as her eyes widened. Se could see the big dog jumping around out here and it was rather funny.

   "My goodness, he's knock someone down fot sure and then they would get a slobber bath."

   "Are we considering them though? I mean...by wanting to turn them into the FBI? I mean honestly...you asked why they would be scared and I think the answer is because that's not what they want with their life. They don't want to work for the FBI. Is running away the answer, no..but sometimes fear can override sensible thinking. "

Getting up and gathering her things Adison felt tired but she really didn't want to call it a night yet. She and Kirk hadn't really done much lately except sit at home. Maybe that was a good way to help him destress.

   "Hey...let's go get food and play some pool."

Looking up as Dylan came in Dalton was quiet for a long moment. He hadn't been happy Kirk stormed into there office and demanded answers. Dalton hadn't heard anything so he could only assume it was the Agency but Kirk wouldn't even listen to that.

   "I know about as much as you do. Kirk thinks Katie and Jason took off but I dont know why they would do that. I could only assume the Agency but if Reese thought that we would already be out looking for them."

Dalton looked to Jamison and then back to Dylan. He did have worry in his eye, but he didn't know what they could do about it.