June 20, 2017


Thirteen offered a small smile. She knew he must feel bad about what he had done. His eyes said so much even if he had no words. The Agency was a cruel place for even the people that worked there. The prayed on the weak, the people with lost self-esteem and made them feel special. With no one to direct them on the right path....they got lost. 

   "I forgive you. You're different now...harder but....not so much."

Taking one of the nearby clothes Thirteen cleaned up a small spill on the counter as she thought about the people she had that cared. Katie, Ryder, her dad....she had a lot of people who were happy she was part of her life and yet....sometimes she still felt like there was a hole. 

   "Yeah...My dad, and his family are pretty amazing people. It's been nice getting to know them. I never knew my mom though. I bet she was amazing too though."

Looking over her shoulder as Kirk and Adison came in Aerith let out a small sigh. She felt bad for Wyatt she really did. She was sure the FBI were here just to eat. It was one of the best places in town but she felt bad that he couldn't get away.

   "You have, but I can take it. I know you are stressed and I would rather you talk to me about it then have a total meltdown."

   "Maybe getting tired of seeing you, but I don't think they are thinking you follow them."

Adison smiled at Kirk as she tapped his foot under the table. The last few days had been stressful and she new it. Everyone was just trying to hold on for when things got better, but even she was starting to wonder when that was.

   "I kept hoping by now that would all trust us....I feel like we are going backward not forwards."

Getting comfortable and grabbing some of the food she wanted it felt like she mouth was watering. There was nothing more she loved than a bunch of junk food. Bumping Zan's shoulder Destiny smiled as she munched on a chip.

As the movie played on Destiny couldn't help her loud laughing at several different times. This movie was great and she was sad she had never seen it sooner but she was happy that she got to see it now with the guys. 

   "Oh Oh Oh Oh....I gotta pee PAUSE THE MOVIE!"

Jumping up Destiny hoped they would pause the movie but she just couldn't hold it anymore. Calling from the bathroom she yelled while laughing.

   "You guys better have paused the movie."