June 20, 2017


   "I think you are none of the above. You took this because you saw a future. Don't give up on that. Maybe we need to try and work on a different angle. I don't know what but there has to be something."

Adison reached out and took Kirk's hand in her own. She knew he was frustrated at the moment everyone was at the Elite. There had to be something they could do thought, but what?

About to reply to Garret Thirteen turned to look at Carson and nod. She knew better than to stand around too long. She did work there.

   "Oh yes of course."

Thirteen turned back to Garret and smiled. Taking the money from him as well. She was happy Garret had come and got to talk to him a little more. As strange as it sounded talking to him made her feel better.

Going to the cash register and putting the money in it and wrote down the tip on the paper as well. Wandering over to the table where the new people had sat she gave a little smile.

   "Hi welcome! Can I start you with something to drink?"

Aerith smiled and held up a finger getting up from the booth. Wondering to the window that went to the kitchen she took the pizza that was waiting and brought it back setting it down with a plate for Wyatt. 

   "There you go your pizza sir."

Sitting down again herself she took a sip of her drink and stole one of the slices. Carson had made the pizza a little bigger than a personal knowing they would more than likely share. 

   "I think plans of crashing on the couch and watching a movie sound marvelous."

Coming back into the room with her hands on her hips she shook her head seeing the movie was in fact paused. Sitting down again she let them restart the movie. Before she knew it the movie was over and her sides were sore. She was happy that in the end, Buttercup got to be with the man she loved. 

   "I get to pick huh? I am a horrible movie picker, but I'll try. You guys get more food."

It didn't take long as she scanned the movies. Finally, she landed on Alice in Wonderland and held it up for the guys to see. It wasn't exactly a movie men would want to watch but if Zan had it he must like it. 

   "It has been a long long time since I saw this. This was always the movie I liked watching with my mom and dad on movie night. They were such good sport about watching it over and over and over again."