June 18, 2017


Being taken by the hand, Zan was confused, but followed Destiny back into the living room. As she started to speak  his eyebrows rose.

Jett looked up at her, and his face flushed as he listened. She... really did consider him a friend? What planet did she come from and why was she so quick to be nice, even when he'd made her uncomfortable?

As both of them were taken to task, Zan's eyebrows went even higher. He really had no argument. He was just surprised at Destiny's boldness. Blinking, he looked to Jett, then back to her again. His mouth opened slightly but no words came out. 

As she walked away, both men stared after her, then stared at each other for several long minutes. Jett finally spoke first. "She always like this?"

"Um... no." Zan shook his head. 

"Oh." Jett looked down at his rootbeer again. 

There was more silence until Zan sat down on the edge of the coffee table and sighed. "I'm sorry if I haven't respected you. But you let yourself get walked on by everybody. If somebody doesn't boss you around, you walk around like a dumb dog waiting for a new owner."

Jett's eyes snapped up angrily. "I do not!"

"Yes you do! Why do you think you got labeled as my sidekick in the first place? 'Cause you weren't thinking for yourself!"

Jett could feel his face growing even hotter. "Well not everybody can be as cool and skilled as you are. If you didn't want me around, you shoulda said so." 

"I didn't say that. You can be a pain but I don't mind you hanging around. Never have."

"So what's the big deal?!" Jett thumbed to the kitchen. "Where does she get off saying I'm not a sidekick?"

"Don't you get it?! She sees more in you than just a follower, you idiot."

Jett withdrew, scowling though his embarrassment.

Zan crossed his arms. "I probably took advantage of your sidekick label, and for that, I apologize. But Destiny is right. You're worth more than that. But if you don't start acting like it, you're just gonna stay a sidekick and I know that's not really what you want."

Jett continued to scowl and finally looked back up at him. "You're not the same guy you were a few weeks ago."

It took Zan a couple moments to respond. Was he really acting that much differently? "I... I guess maybe I was reminded of who I needed to be."

"Yeah? And where does that leave me? Not everybody can be the cool racer like you. Some of us struggle just to survive without anybody telling us we did a good job, or clapping for us. We go to bed almost every night feeling like failures because we can't ever compare to the cool crowd."

"Well maybe you should get off your duff and try racing for once then! Or here's a novel idea - quit believing you're a failure, because you're not!"

As Jett's emotions churned, he suddenly​ got to his feet. "I don't need to listen to this."

"The heck you do!" Zan stood too, blocking his path. "You're staying right here til we're done 'cause I will not have a hippo for a girlfriend!"

Jett stopped short and blinked. 

Zan opened his mouth and clamped it shut again. 

There was dead silence until Jett snickered. "You did not just say that."

"Um." Zan swallowed his own laugh. "I think I did."

As the tension lessened, Jett rolled his eyes. "What is your point anyway?"

"I have no idea." Zan sank down to sit on the couch armrest. "I'm just trying to get you to see that yesterday is forgotten, and you're a part of the team, not a groupie. Destiny is right. You deserve more respect. But you're gonna have to start acting like it too."

Jett slowly sat back down, cradling his arm. "I know I can be a pain," he admitted. "I just... don't usually have the same friends for very long 'cause they get tired of me. So I guess I assumed yesterday you'd finally had your fill of me."

"Of your gutter mouth," Zan clarified. "Not of you. There's a difference."

Jett fiddled with his bandage. "Am I that bad?"

"Only sometimes. But generally, you're a pretty likable guy."

Jett smirked. "That sounds creepy. You know that, right?"

"Well would you rather I yell at you again?"

"No." Jett held up his hand. "By all means, speak your mind."

"What about you speaking your mind for once?"

Jett thought a moment, then shook his head. "I said all I wanted."

Zan was about to push, then thought better of it  and rerouted his speech. "So we good? You gonna stay and eat snacks and watch some movies?"

Jett finally nodded. "Yeah, okay." A little grin surfaced. "Did she bring anything good to eat?"

"Yep." Zan got to his feet once more. "I'm gonna go help her. You pick a movie."

"Oh, but I-"

"Pick!" Zan ordered. "Team. Not a groupie. Remember?" Leaving Jett be, he ambled back to the kitchen. He came up alongside Destiny and slipped an arm around her shoulders. "You..." He kissed her head. "...are incredible." 

Drawing back a little, he surveyed the food. "Can I help?"

Wyatt looked up and grinned. "Um... both, actually. I need a pizza." He gestured like a big pizza with his hands. "And I also need a girlfriend. Heard I could find both here. True?"

Eli nodded slowly. "Yeah... I was pretty worried about him there for a while too. The whole Ryan thing really messed with him. But maybe if he can just find a new friend in Brooke, it'll help." He smiled. "Looks like it's already helping both of them."

Standing up, he waited for her to join him before wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug. "Mm... see you for supper tonight?"

Receiving the milkshake, Garret smiled and stirred it a little with his straw before taking a sip and nodding his approval. 

Thirteen's question though, made him shake his head. "Been better," he admitted. "Things are kinda hairy at the Elite right now." With the whole Aaron thing, he could feel some of the others keeping an even closer eye on him now, as if thinking he might have had something to do with Aaron's​ disappearance. He'd dared to slip away by himself today, just to get out of there for a while.

"It'll calm down eventually though," he reasoned. He hoped. He studied Thirteen for a moment. "What about you? Like working for Carson?"