June 15, 2017


Jett relented and fell quiet, letting Destiny look at his wounds. His hand and arm did look a mess... he really was lucky it hadn't been worse. Though he cringed as she cleaned around the cuts, he didn't pull away or complain. She had a gentle touch that matched her gentle spirit. He really didn't deserve for her to say she was his friend.

As she finished up, he felt around the bandage gingerly and nodded. "I think you did a better job than the nurse did." A little smile showed itself again. What kind of business had her father been in, to want her to know how to do this? He wondered, but didn't ask. "Thank you." He thought about her question for a moment before shrugging. "Okay, I guess. Kinda woozy though."

Zan had just been leaning back against the counter, watching. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen Jett this quiet and... was it depressed? It actually surprised him. He had fully expected Jett to brush off the whole thing and treat it just as lightly as he did everything else. But his friend was so withdrawn all of a sudden, it was a bit worrisome. "You, um... you're welcome just to stay here the day," he offered.

Jett shook his head. "That's okay... I should prolly just go home. My head hurts and I'm still pretty tired."

Zan threw Destiny a glance. What did she think? Jett was looking a bit pale and Zan wasn't convinced he should be alone yet. Convincing Jett though was another story.

Wyatt thought about Angelica's idea, then nodded slowly. "That... sounds like a good idea. Aerith and I have kinda been in a rut lately so doing something different would be fun for us, too."

He finally gave her a thin smile. "I try not to worry too much about Dad... I know you keep a close eye on him." Personal feelings aside, he did know she loved his dad. "I'll, um, ask Aerith about the weekend and let you know."

Eli quirked an eyebrow, hearing about the previous night. "Ah... so that's what the little tiff was about." His brow furrowed as he thought. "I dunno... I don't get the impression Zan's just pretending. But talk about a coincidence. Destiny's left vulnerable, and out of the blue she runs into a man who's directly connected to an Agency hunting ground."

He took another bite as he continued to think. "I just wanna keep an eye on him, that's all." He paused and took a sip of his drink. "By the way... Off topic... I'm gonna put my notice in at work." He grinned. "Then I'll be working for people myself and making all the profits."