June 12, 2017

Really Sorry

Jett finally lifted his eyes to look at Destiny. He hadn't meant to be disrespectful or embarrass her earlier that evening, and he really was sorry if he'd done either of those. He'd just been trying to have fun. "I'm... I'm really sorry about... you know, i-i-if I made you uncomfortable. Before."

Whether he was still intoxicated or not, Zan saw how sincere he was being, and now felt badly for as harsh as he'd been earlier. The guy just didn't know any better, which was sad in a way. "So is that a yes, you'll come?"

Jett nodded slowly. "Yeah, okay."

"There you go." The nurse finished with his arm and then helped him into a sling. "Doctor said to wear this a couple days. If it gets worse, come back." She turned to Zan. "If you notice he's throwing up or getting disoriented, bring him back so we can look at that hard head of his again."

"You got it." Zan reached out to steady Jett as he slid off the bed and wobbled just a bit. "Alright?"

Jett took a moment until the room stopped spinning, then nodded again. He wasn't sure if the spinning was from the bump on his head, or from not being quite sober yet. Either way, he was grateful he didn't have to try and make it home alone. After signing paperwork and making sure Tony knew he was okay, the three headed back outside to the parking lot. The night air was warm and a little humid, making the breeze feel good. Jett silently got into the backseat of Destiny's car, just leaning back and closing his eyes. 

Zan sighed and glanced at Destiny before getting in himself. "Would it be too much of a pain to swing back by Eli and Ryan's? Then I can grab my car and take Jett home myself, and you can get yourself home without any more hassles." 

Dylan managed a smile at Ryan, and he nodded. "I had fun. I'd like to see you two race, too, if you don't mind me hanging around." 

"Eh..." Eli waved at him "We're in dire need of new blood around here anyway. Besides, Hunter behaves himself better when there's company." 

"Oh good grief. Let's get out of here." Hunter grinned at Ryan and threw her a wink. Normally she'd walk him to his car and he'd get at least one more kiss. But tonight he'd refrain for Dylan's sake. "Talk to you tomorrow."Ambling out to his car, he gave Dylan a sidelong glance. "Good night?"

Dylan thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yeah... yeah, it was different but... I liked it. I'm... looking forward to seeing everyone again."

"Good." He'd make sure Dylan enjoyed himself while he was here yet. "You look tired."

"Exhausted," Dylan admitted ruefully. "I just didn't wanna say so."

Hunter laughed and slid in behind the wheel. "Maybe you'll actually sleep in like a normal person in the morning."

"Not a chance. My brain still thinks I need to get up and do chores." Dylan buckled himself in and watched the passing scenery in the dark, thinking about just that. It had only been his first full day here, and it already felt like longer because he'd done so many different things. He'd only been away from the ranch for two days now... and already he was wondering how Seven was doing and if he was causing any trouble. He was already wishing he could go for a morning ride. He was excited for the next few months though. There was a lot to learn, a lot to do, and new friends he really liked.

With the house quieter, Eli slid down further on the couch and pulled Scarlet over onto his chest to wrap his arms around her. "Mmm.... now this is more like it." He peeked around her to look up at Ryan, giving her a silly grin. "Sorry your boyfriend left. You can have the chair all to yourself now though."

Hal gave Sam a smile as he sat up too. "It takes quite a bit for me to give up..." He reached over and brushed some hair aside. "Tomorrow can't be too boring though... not when you're gonna meet me for lunch." 

Standing up, he stretched, then slipped his shoes on and prepared to leave. "I'll text ya, okay? Try to get a good night's sleep... things will look different tomorrow. Promise."