June 29, 2017


It was early and her mom has caught her before she had left for the morning chores. Now she had a little spring in her step and she wanted to find Eric. Entering the barn and scanning the area Ashlee spotted Eric and wondered over to him. Not saying anything she just watched him for a long moment. 

   "You promise to love my mom forever...and never hurt us?"

Ashlee knew what the answer was but she wanted to hear Eric say it anyways. She wanted to see the look in his eye and know he meant it. She didn't want to let someone completely into there life only to have them get hurt.

As Kirk came back Adison turned to look at him and frowned a little. She didn't like that he hadn't caught Jamison in time but hoped by tomorrow he will have cooled down and they could talk to him a little more about everything.

Seeing the look in Kirks eye she knew he didn't want to call it a night yet and honestly she didn't want to either. She missing just being out with him not having to much.

   "Lets play some more pool. See if maybe you can beat me this time."

Getting Jamison's text Dalton was happy he agreed to meet him. He'd felt bad about how he had treated his friend this afternoon and it really was bothering him. Getting up and putting his shoes and jacket on Dalton left and made his way to the burger shack. 

It didn't take long  to get there and walking inside Dalton scanned the area. Seeing Jamison he nodded and went to the counter to order his food. Once finshed he walked over to the table as sat down.

   "Hey Thanks for meeting me."

Offering a small smile he looked down at is napkin for a moment before looking up again and searching Jamison's face. 

   "I want to start off by saying I am really sorry about this afternoon. You are my friend and it was wrong of me to keep you in the dark, even if its what most people would want. You are part of our team and I don't think things should be kept from you. I messed up and I am sorry about that."

Letting out a long sigh he paused again before leaning forward on the table. 

   "Katie and Jason were affected by the Agency...it started when they were babys..."

Dalton went into detail about Katie and Jason's family and how the Agency had done an experiment on them that they assumed didn't work. He told him about how later on the element started to show itself and brought Katie and Jason together. He was his lifeline, and he was her. He explained how their powers worked. 

He kept his voice down while talking not knowing who could be listing and only paused when his food came. He didn't know if Jamison believed him or not but he at least was telling him the whole truth now.

   "...So that brings us to now. Word is Kirk demanded to know what was going on with Katie and Jason and Reese was hesitant to tell him. If information on Katie and Jason got into the wrong hands they could possibly never have a life again and if the Agency found out...they would be as good as dead."

Taking another french fry and munching on it Dalton chewed and then continued.

   "I guess Kirk forced Reese to tell him, he can decied if he wants to tell the FBI or not and Katie and Jason are not missing. Now you know everything that is going on."