June 21, 2017

We Are

   "Maybe she just thought her voice wouldn't be heard like so many others think too. I'm not saying what she did was right, but I also wasn't with Aaron as much as she was. If she thought he was going to hurt people I don't think she would have done it. Again...not saying it was right and I understand the punishment, and I am not mad, just I think there is an underlining issue there."

Looking up when Garret came over she just listing to him. Adison nodded her head a little understanding what Garret was saying. Waiting still he walked away she took a bite of her pizza and thought for a long moment. Hearing Kirk's voice she just cocked her head for a moment thinking.

   "You know...Garret is not Agency anymore. He is part of the Elite now. I think its time we start seeing him as such too. Maybe our biggest issue right now is we are segregated. We are all trying to find where we fit and it's hard when we have the Elite here, the FBI here, and then there are the others over there."

Shifting a little Adison looked down at her plate for a moment. It wasn't often she disagreed with Kirk but she never held back what she thought before why would she start now. Looking up at him again she gave a small smile. 

   "We ARE all the Elite, that is why we are there. That is why we are fighting, and that is why we are moving to the new building, to become better. Maybe a lot doesn't need to be changed like we think, what makes the Elite special are the people and their hearts. We just...need to refine it a little. We can't turn them into the FBI because that's not who they are."

Destiny laughed standing. She didn't like seeing Jett hurt but she was happy he was at least feeling a little pain. It meant nothing worse was wrong and knowing what kind of symptoms he had helped them know if he was getting worse or not.

   "Don't worry I wont let him kick you out."

Wondering to the kitchen and starting to make the coffee Destiny smiled as Zan put his arm around her. She liked having him close, and she didn't mind the affection he showed her at all. Looking at him over her shoulder a little she grinned.

   "It's been kind of nice spending the whole day too. It was nice seeing Jett laugh too even if it hurt. He's got a good heart, he just needs to see it."

Ashlee gave a not taking the oil and putting it away. She felt bad for Seven. To have Dylan there all the time and then he was just gone. Even for a horse, it must be hard to deal with. 

   "Yeah I will go for a ride. Just let me know when."