June 10, 2017


As Hal called and ran over blocking Sam's car she just stood there looking at the ground. She just wanted to go home, lock herself in her room and not talk to anyone. But Hal was there and he at least deserved an explanation so if he wanted nothing to do with her anymore he could. 

   "Aaron left, he walked away and I let him. I turned around and just let him go because I thought it was what was right. If I made him come back that would have been the end of everything anyways, so I let him go."

Finally looking up at Hal Sam searches his face for a long moment. So many emotions ran through her eyes, her teary eyes. She pretty much just messed up her whole career with one bad desition. Even if he didn't think it was, it was to everyone else.

   "Please...I just want to go home. I don't belong here anymore."

At least if we exhaust everything no one can say we didn't try. This does keep the heat off of us for a little bit too.

Looking at Jason Katie smiled a little. This could help or harm them honestly she just hoped for now it would just keep the eyes off of them right now and she would take anything at the moment.

   "Even if you had warned her that doesn't mean she would have listened. ."

Nate looked at Garret for a long moment. He's been in this business for a long time and he had seen a lot. Sam was good at her job and he couldn't help but wonder if Aaron really had played her or not.

   "...in this business sometimes our hearts can get us into trouble. At one point I offered you and out too, and if you had taken it I wouldn't have stopped you. Only difference is Aaron did take it."

Driving little ways again and looking Nate tried to take everything in.

   "I do agree Aaron must have had this planned, in case anything happened. Honestly, I doubt we will find him unless he wants to be found. On one hand that might be good..least the agency won't find him either."

   "Well you and Scarlet have dibs on the couch we have dips on the chair and I will just have to sit in Hunter's lap. You won't mind right babe?"

Ryan looked to Hunter and grinned leaning into him a little bit and then looking back to her brother and giving him a wink. She just liked seeing him squirm sometimes. She wondered how hard it really was for him to see his baby sister all grown up. 

Destiny looked to Zan and kept holding his hand. Smiling up at him. She still felt bad for Jett was there was really nothing they could do about that now.  Hopefully, everything would blow over and be just fine. Maybe tomorrow she could convince Zan to make sure.

   "Ice cream sounds perfect to me!"