June 26, 2017


Following behind Jason Katie stayed close just taking in the whole house. As the dogs came over to them Katie smiled leaning down and scratching one of their heads. She liked dogs, she could handle them. They seemed super friendly too. 

Being shown downstairs Katie took the space in. It wasn't big like her home had been but it was good enough for herself and Jason. It was comfy and welcoming at least. 

Smiling at Jason Katie came closed and sank down on the couch with him. She let her own emotions that were of love, and comfort. In spite of everything and how nervous she was Katie was happy Jason was with her. He gave you the strength needed to keep going. 

A nap sounds good and getting to cuddle with you even better.

As Kirk left Adison went back to her work just a little surprised at how quickly he came back. Stopping what she was doing again she sat back in her chair and study his face for a long moment. Listing to his words she took in what he said and just thought for a long moment getting a strange feeling in her stomach again.

   "I felt something was off this morning, but I am not sure what."

Letting out a sigh she thought again for a long moment.

   "I don't think they would do that, I guess it really depends on how scared they were that we were going to turn them in. Maybe they just needed some time to calm their own nerves. I'm not sure if we should give it a day, or inquire more."

Seeing Garret come back Sapphire gave him a smile before going back to work. He mostly took his lunch break elsewhere so it was not out of the ordinary for him. Hearing him start to talk she looked at him and studied him for a long moment wondering what he was talking about. 

   "Technically you couldn't, but that really depends on what you are talking about too?!"

Walking with Eric Stacy let him set the pace. She wasn't sure how his leg was and didn't want to move too fast for him. She didn't mind taking the slower walk really. Being with Eric in the cool night air was nice, and they really hadn't had much alone time so this was extra special.

   "Well all those other people are dumb. This place, and you are amazing. You need to think better of yourself."

Stacy leaned into him and gave a small kiss before resting her head on his chest looking into the dark as well. The moon was bright but little fire flys could still be seen dancing. It was peaceful and calming. 

   "You and the girls are our family too. We love all three of you more than anything. I've always wanted to be a mom again. You've given that to me."