June 16, 2017


Looking over at Zan Destiny could still see the worry in his eyes. Jett still had a concussion, they didn't go away that fast and if they let him go home and something happened she would never forgive herself. Even if Jett was upset with them, she rather he is ok first. She didn't want him to feel less than he more than likely did already.

   "I've got an even better idea..."

Destiny eyes twinkled with excitement. She really did have a good idea. That happened every once in a while.

   "How about Zan you grab some pillows and blankets for the living room. Jett, you get comfortable on the couch so you can rest. That head of yours needs it. I'll run home and take a shower, then grab some groceries at the store. Lunch, dinner, and snack, drinks, that sort of thing. I'll come back and we will just be lazy all day watching movies and pigging out on junk."

Destiny looked to Jett hopeful he liked that idea. Maybe if Zan liked the idea and encouraged him to that would help and he would stay. At least that way they could keep an eye on Jett, and she could make sure his bandages stayed clean too.

   "Hey, even I need back up looking after him once in a while. I'm happy he has a son who cares. Thank you, Wyatt!"

Angelica smiled. It really would be nice to have Wyatt and Aerith over this weekend. She liked the young woman a lot, and she enjoyed Wyatt's company too even if it wasn't often. They both held a very special place in her heart even if no one knew it. Not to mention maybe it would really help Reese's mood too.

Scarlet gave an understanding nod. She couldn't deny that that was a big coincidence that couldn't really be overlooked. She wanted to believe that Zan had no ill intentions Destiny seemed like a sweet girl and she really did like Zan as well. 

   "Never hurts to keep an eye on him. Seems like they got a long with Hunter and Ryan really well so maybe it might be easier for you then you think."

Setting her sub down and opening it Scarlet pulled some of the meat off. Sometimes there was just too much for her liking on the sub itself. She would still enjoy it but just by itself. Hearing Eli was ready to put in his notice to work her smile widened. She really was excited about this new adventure for him. 

   "So when do I get to start working for you?"