June 17, 2017

Being Miserable

Zan looked down for a moment, fiddling with the glass, then cringed. "I guess I was hard on him, wasn't I? I just..." He sighed and glanced back up at Destiny. She was so pretty. And so kind. "Not so long ago, his comments and attitude wouldn't have bothered me. But... I dunno... around you, I... I just couldn't take it anymore. I didn't like seeing you uncomfortable, I guess." Maybe that's why he'd come down so hard on Jett. He'd been more concerned about Destiny's feelings than his own. 

He paused, then nodded slowly. "I prolly coulda handled it better though. Maybe you're right... maybe I haven't seen past the whole sidekick thing. He just... makes it so easy to forget he's got feelings too." Shaking his head, he left, ambling into the living room with the rootbeer. "Here. This'll cure what ails ya."

Jett smirked a little and managed to sit up, even though it hurt. "Thanks. And thank Destiny too."

"Thank her yourself."

Jett rolled his eyes before raising his voice. "Thank you!"

Zan chuckled. "You must be feeling better."

"Eh." Jett shrugged. 

Zan tucked his thumbs in his pockets, thinking. "Um. About yesterday..." 

Jett's eyes snapped up. "I know I was stupid, okay? You don't need to tell me I never should have goaded Kade into racing." 

"I... wasn't going to say anything about that." Zan shook his head. "I was talking about earlier."

"Oh yeah." Remembering Zan's words still stung. Jett took a sip of his rootbeer. "Don't worry. I won't go embarrassing you in front of your girlfriend or insulting her." 

Zan sighed. "Jett, would you just shut up a second?" 

Jett looked back up at him, quirking an eyebrow. 

"I'm trying to apologize," Zan explained. "Yeah, you were being butt... but I shouldn't have yelled at you like I did, and I'm sorry I lost my cool. I'd just had enough of your comments." 

Jett swallowed hard and studied the foam in his soda. "You know you can ignore most of what I say." He shrugged again. "You were prolly right anyway. It was better I let you guys do your own thing."

Zan rolled his eyes. "No, it wasn't better 'cause you went off and got hurt. You were more than welcome to come celebrate with us." 

"Just... not my mouth."

"I give up." Zan threw his arms in the air and turned around to leave, then stopped. He took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder. Destiny's words returned to him. "Maybe you ought to quit  acting like a sidekick and start acting like one of the gang. 'Cause you are if you wanna be. But I can't force you." Finally going back into the kitchen, he threw Destiny a tired look. "I tried." He cringed and leaned on the counter. "I lose patience too fast," he admitted. "He's just being miserable now."

Wyatt had to chuckle at imagining Aerith's pouty lip. He'd seen that before. Finally turning back to his work, he tried to get as much done as he could before leaving for lunch. 

It didn't take long to get to the little restaurant. He really wasn't all that hungry, but Carson's pizza did sound good. Wandering in and taking a glance around, he was surprised to see Garret at the counter. It didn't take a genius to figure out the ex-Agency man and Carson didn't exactly get along. But then... it was still good food. 

Deciding to ignore it, he slipped into a booth to sit alone and retrieved his phone to send several texts in a row.

I'm here.

I'm hungry.

Where's my waitress?

Can't a guy get any service
around here?

Eli rolled his eyes. "Get tired of you? That's like... impossible." He wriggled is foot around her ankle again. "You could stare over my shoulder twenty-four/seven, and I wouldn't mind one bit." 

He took the last bite of his sub and sighed with satisfaction. "Unfortunately... I gotta get to work or I'm gonna leave Tal in a lurch. Who, by the way, has been smiling a lot more lately and I have this funny feeling it has something to do with that cousin of yours." He grinned and finished his water. "Has she said anything to you about him?"

Carson didn't like it that Thirteen still seemed uncomfortable, but it was her choice, and he wouldn't stop her from going and talking to Garret. He'd keep his eye on it though. At the first sign of trouble, he'd step in. Thirteen didn't need more fright in her life. 

Out at the counter, Garret looked up when Thirteen came over, and a thin smile creased his lips. She was trying to be friendly - he could tell. He hadn't noticed it before now, but there was something about her that reminded him of Maggie. Maybe it was her willingness to ignore what most people judged, and simply treat him like a normal human being. "Actually... I was thinking about a shake. Something like... chocolate with... raspberry flavoring. Unless you have a better suggestion."