June 19, 2017

Do you?

As Zan left again Destiny shook her head. It sounded like Jett was at least in a little better of a mood and that pleased her. Finishing up what needed to be done and hearing Zan called her Destiny quirked an eyebrow. Leaving the bowls where they were, for now, Destiny wandered into the other room.

   "What on earth is...oh my goodness."

Seeing Jett and the position he was in Destiny tried to hold in her laugh while her eyes danced. It did little use though as she finally busted out laughing till her eyes started a water.

   "Oh my goodness, I can't even start to think how this happened."

Moving to where the table was and keeping the laugh going she moved it a little so Jett could try and get out of the predicament he was in. 

    "Ok ok ok, before I keep laughing..are you ok?"

Putting in the order and letting Carson know to just tell her when it was ready she joined Wyatt again. Smiling she was happy he had come to visit. it always broke up the day and made for a nice destraction. 

   "Oh, things are going ok here. It's been a pretty slow day so nothing too stressful. Carson thinks tomorrow is going to be pretty busy though since they are having that little street festive thing. He's giving Thirteen the day off since she still is not good with large crowds."

Taking a sip of her own water she reached her free hand over to Wyatt's giving it a little squeeze. She didn't like talking about her when he was so stressed out. He had bigger and more important things to worry about.

   "Think once you guys change buildings it will be better?"

   "I guess the Elite just wasn't't for him."

Thirteen didn't blame him....it wasn't a place she wanted to be either. She liked everyone there but her nerves were not build for that kind of work, mostly due to how she was raised but still, Thirteen didn't think she would even be completely normal. 

   "He works for the Zoo now. He's working with the crocodiles. I don't like it much, but he likes doing it. Do you like working for the Elite?"