June 21, 2017


As Destiny picked Alice in Wonderland, Jett withheld a snicker. He didn't mind - he just thought it was humorous. Not to mention, humorous that Zan actually had that in his collection. 

Zan looked up at Destiny, and for just a split second, a strange look passed through his eyes. It was quickly gone though, and he grinned. "Well put it in." He grabbed the bag of chips and poured some more into his bowl, leaning back to munch on some more. She'd definitely found his weaknesses quickly.

As the movie started and she sat back down with him, he moved her over to sit between his legs and use his chest as a backrest so he could put his arms around her and make her hold the bowl of chips. "Now this... is how to watch a movie." 

"Hey... no making out with me in the room." Jett nudged Zan's head with his foot.

Zan just smirked and swatted his leg. "Just watch the movie." He fell quiet again, just eating a chip every once in a while and chuckling at the funny parts. Surprisingly, Jett seemed to find the movie most funny, not doing very well at hiding his laughter. Zan was quieter than he had been earlier, and once the chips were done, he wrapped his arms around Destiny and rested his chin on her shoulder. Though nothing had changed, it seemed his mind was far away a few times. 

As the movie came close to ending, Zan tightened his hold around her. "I'm getting sleepy," he admitted. It was afternoon by now. "You still gonna stay all day? 'Cause I think I need caffeine before we start another movie."

Wyatt grinned, seeing that Carson had made the pizza a bit bigger than normal - he might not think he belonged running a restaurant, but he sure did a good job. "Okay good." He took a bite too, glancing to Aerith. "It's a date then. As long as you promise not to let me talk about work. That always ruins everything."

Kirk looked at Adison again and sighed. "I have no idea what another angle would be. You're right though... there's gotta be something. There has to be a way to make this work, I-" He stopped mid-sentence to glance up at Thirteen, and forced a smile. "Um. Iced tea, thanks." He let Adison order her drink too, and nodded. "We'll figure out what we want to eat before you get back."

Alone again, he pulled back his hair to the nape of his neck, and tried to get his mind on track again. "I've gotta fix this, Adison... there's too much at stake. I can't let the Elite fall. I just can't." He bit his lip. "The more time I spend there, the more I respect them, and even the way they do things. But I can't defy the FBI... can I?"

From the other table, Wyatt couldn't help another glance over to where Kirk and Adison were sitting. "He looks rather... distraught," he mused. He never saw him like that at the office. Kirk always walked around in confidence. But the way his shoulders were slouched and his facial expressions... he looked like he was really struggling with something. "I wonder if he's gotten in trouble with the FBI or something." 

"I can't get him to settle down worth anything." Sparky smirked as he leaned on the fence rail, watching Seven race around the corral, bucking and snorting. "Tried to saddle him this morning and he threw a fit."

Eric chuckled. "Maybe Ashlee's been giving him too many treats."

Sparky grinned. "I doubt it. I think he misses his master."

"In just a few days?"

"Eh... stranger things have happened. Dylan had a way with him from the moment they met at he auction."

Eric sighed. "Maybe I can ride Static and pony Seven - Static's steady enough to hold him if he acts up."

"As long as he doesn't start kicking." 

"True." Eric finally turned from the fence. "Well, I got other things to do. I'll see if he's calmed down at all in a while. If not, maybe we'll start back with some ground work instead." He wandered back to the barn and headed down the main aisle to the tack room where he stuck his head inside. "Hey, Ash?" He found her cleaning her saddle. "You've been feeding Seven, right? Notice anything odd with him the last day or so?"