June 28, 2017


Jamison slid in behind the wheel of his car and shut the door... hard, still steamed about Kirk's response - or lack thereof. How on earth was he supposed to be a team player when he couldn't even know what was really going on? It made no sense, and he was seriously rethinking his decision to join the Elite. He'd thought everything was great. But today he'd found out jut where he stood - on the outside. And he couldn't do his job from the outside. 

He was almost ready to start his car when he received Dalton's text message. Reading it a couple times over, he leaned his head back in his seat, just thinking. He wasn't hungry. And Dalton could shove it. 

He turned on the ignition and buckled his seat belt. At least Dalton had apologized. But for what exactly? And why should Jamison listen to him now? It was pretty obvious it was an afterthought - a reaction to feeling guilty. Jamison didn't like feeling this way. He liked Dalton very much and they'd become good friends during the last couple months. Didn't he at least owe him a chance to explain? He was upset, but he didn't want to miss a chance to make things right. Finally, he sent a response. 


It was getting late in the evening. He might not be hungry, but he was sure Dalton was, so they needed somewhere with more than coffee.

I'm 5 min from Burger Shack. 
Meet you there. 

It did only take him a few minutes, and arriving first, he picked a table off in a quiet corner. Still not hungry, he just ordered an iced tea and waited, trying to get his mind to stop theorizing about what was really happening with Jason and Katie. 

Kirk sighed but nodded to Adison. "Yeah... maybe we created a monster." He rolled his eyes. "This whole thing has got to end." He set down his cue and aimed for the exit. "I'll try to stop him and we can talk." 

Reaching the parking lot though, he was just in time to see Jamison's car pulling away. Great. Well... maybe by tomorrow, Jamison will have cooled down and it would be a better time to talk anyway. Kirk went back inside, finding Adison right before she paid.

"Hey... I missed him. I think I'm just gonna let him cool off. You wanna stick around or go somewhere else?" He gave her a bit of a pleading look. "I'm not ready to go home yet."

Eric reluctantly turned, letting Stacy go, and heading to his own bunk. He picked up his pace though, as the crying got louder. It sounded like Melody, which made him worry just a little. There were signs she was getting sick... again. It seemed she picked up every little germ and was rarely able to fight it off without Angel's help. 

Sure enough, it was her, and after changing and feeding, she refused to be put down, forcing Eric to fall asleep in the chair with her. By then, he was tired enough to make it possible, but it felt like no sooner had he closed his eyes, and his alarm was going off. He had mornings down pat now at least - get up, shower, dress, get the girls packed up, take them to the main house to hand them off to Jade, then head for the barn. Today he was just yawning more than normal. On the inside though, he kept replaying the night before, and couldn't wait to see Stacy again... and Ashlee, to see what she thought as well. As he started chores though, he didn't mention anything to the other guys... not yet anyway.