June 29, 2017

Gonna Take

Ashlee searched Eric's face as he talked. She searched his eyes the most just trying to read him, and make sure he was telling the truth. She didn't think Eric would ever hurt her mom, but she had to ask anyway to put her own mind at rest.

Finally, Ashlee couldn't contain it any longer as a smile spread across her face. Not wasting much time she moved forward and wrapped her arms around Eric's neck. Remembering quickly about his shoulder she stepped back quickly.

   "Oops, forgot about your shoulder, sorry."

Grinning she couldn't contain how happy she really was. Eric made her mom happy, and he mad her happy too. She couldn't think of anyone better to be her dad.

   "I promise as long as you promise to be patient with me too. I've never had a dad before, so its gonna take some getting use too on my part too."

   "That's what Kirk thinks happened. It's just hard to believe that unless Katie and Jason really were worried he was going to tell the FBI. If they did then they needed help too and since you over heard Hal, he more than liked did along with someone else on the outside. Which could get him in some serous hot water too."

Dalton gave a nod as he took another bite of his hamburger. He trusted Jamison and believed him when he said the secret was safe with him. Why he hadn't earlier was his own stupidity and fear. But now he was happy Jamison new.

   "I can't imagen how this must feel to them honestly. If they did leave, how lonely not being able to tell anyone, never seeing family or friends again. If they were taken by the Agency, well...thats not something I dont want to think about."

Popping another fry in his mouth Dalton set his napkin down on his plate. He still had a little food left but he was full for now. Taking a sip of his drink he nodded. 

   "As far as we know Jason and Katie are the only two like this. At least we havent run into anyone else. As far as the Agency know there experiment failed, hopfully it will stay that way too."