June 27, 2017


Returning Stacy's kiss, Eric's tension started to fade. She had a way of making him relax that he'd never understand. Just when he was afraid he'd never get the words out, her own answer made his heart jump. She'd said yes. She wanted to marry him. She really did want to be with him. 

Without saying anything, he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, leaning in for another kiss and letting it linger and deepen. Maybe he couldn't find the words he wanted, but he could at least show her how he felt. Just taking advantage of the fact that they were out here alone, he didn't hurry, but just let the moments tick by, enjoying giving and receiving this sweet affection. 

Eventually he pulled away to catch his breath, his eyes twinkling to match his smile. "Come here," he whispered. Stepping back, he took her hand and aimed along behind the bunkhouses until they'd come to his own. Still quiet, he made her wait out back by the fence while he went inside. It only took a few moments and he was back, joining her once again in the soft moonlight. This wasn't at all what he'd originally intended but... maybe that's what made it special. 

Coming alongside Stacy at the fence, he presented a little velvet box which he opened, and carefully took out the dainty diamond ring. It was nothing fancy, but he truly hoped she would like it. "I love you with all my heart," he told her softly. "All I want is for the five of us to he a family, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He held out the ring, hoping this wasn't a dream, and hoping she would accept his token of a promise.

Just lying where he was a few more moments, Jason looked at Katie as she sat up, and gave a small smile. She was even cuter in her sleepy state.
Okay... let's head upstairs. Maybe they'll point us in the right direction to go get some food. 

Once he'd finally gotten up enough gumption to rise and put his shoes back on, he aimed for the stairs with Katie close behind. As they reached the main level, the smell of food was even stronger. All three dogs greeted them with enthusiasm all over again, seeming to have maybe forgotten there was company.

Sarah was at the stove in the kitchen, and turned as they walked past. "Hey, guys!" She smiled and wiped her hands on a dishtowel. "I hope you like lasagna."

Jason's eyebrows rose. "Oh we... we don't expect you and Jed to feed us."

"Nonsense!" She looked at them sternly. "We told Rosetta we'd take care of you, and that includes not letting you go hungry."

"But we just-"

Sarah cocked her head, her expression softening. "Is it safe for you to be out and about?"

Jason swallowed hard and gave Katie a quick glance. "We... don't know, to be honest."

"So... do you like lasagna?"

"Um... yeah."

"Good." She smiled and turned back to the stove. "It'll be ready in about half an hour. Feel free to wander the house or go out in the backyard. Jed's out there fixing the fence where Toto keeps getting out."

Well... at least we can still get some fresh air.

Jason took Katie's hand.

Looks like their hospitality is an understatement. 

Wandering to the back door, it opened onto a small porch off a nice-size yard that was lined with a wooden fence and housing a big maple tree. The dogs followed them out and bounded out into the grass, chasing each other and yipping playfully, also running into and over Jed, who was kneeling at the bottom of a crooked board.

Jason couldn't help his grin. "Can you imagine that kind of energy in a dog Trooper's size?"

Kirk's jaw tightened as he shook his head. "Crappy or not, what do you think they're doing to us? They just up and leave with no thought about teamwork. No thought about talking it out. No thought of what this could all mean for the Elite as a whole. We're already down two agents - now four. And we don't have the right to pursue them? Can anybody here just suddenly leave town without letting anyone know?" 

He got to his feet and grabbed a notepad. "I'm going to start questioning people. You can too, or if you need to get other work done, that's fine." It was already late in the afternoon. "I want some answers before I leave today..." 

...But an hour later, the only answer he had was confirmation that no one knew where Jason and Katie were, or if they did, they weren't going to tell him about it. Most were very close-mouthed even when he told them he knew the truth. Many were worried and asked if he suspected they'd been taken, but he knew that wasn't the case. He knew they had run of their own free will. Maybe he didn't have proof - yet - but he knew it in his gut.

"...which is entirely unacceptable." He was back at his desk again. It was time to leave for the day, but he wasn't getting ready to go yet. He was sure he was wearing on Adison's nerves, but he didn't have anybody else to talk to about this. Not even Reese, who insisted not even he knew where Jason and Katie were. "And with all this... we're suppose to think they're a stable team? That Jason and Katie can just be allowed to come and go and run their own lives, with the perk of working for the Elite, and with no consideration to anyone else?" 

Dylan knocked softly on the half-open office door, and slowly pushed it open a little more, eyeing Jamison and Dalton. 

Jamison looked up quickly, half-expecting Kirk to be back again. He'd been less than warm a few minutes ago, and he'd left a tension behind that still hung in the office. "Hey, Dylan. What's up?"

"Um..." Dylan wandered in a little further, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. "Kirk caught me in the hall and... gave me the fifth degree about Jason and Katie." He'd told Kirk nothing and had not admitted to knowing anything about the element either, out of pure instinct. Now though, he was worried. "He said they were missing and... I wondered if either of you knew anything."

Jamison looked down and fiddled with a pen. He actually had a lot of his own questions and had wanted to tell Dalton something earlier but hadn't ever had a chance. Now he glanced at his big friend, knowing that Dalton knew more than what he ever said about Jason and Katie. He wouldn't ask though. Something had always warned him not to. The question was... what would he tell Dylan?