June 24, 2017

Two Idiots

Spotting Rosetta, Mick smiled as he ambled over to her, chuckling at her comment. "Old man, huh?" He took the lemonade from her, but instead of drinking it yet, he wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her against him. "Doesn't that make you an old lady?" 

He didn't give her enough time to answer before cocking his head to lean in and give her a short but deep kiss. Pulling back, his eyes twinkled. "I didn't know I had an audience." He finally released her so he could take a long sip of lemonade. "Thank you. I didn't do anything but sit there, but I was getting parched. Didn't think that knucklehead was ever gonna quit." 

He glanced back to where Ashlee was starting to bathe Seven. "He'll be alright. I shoulda realized he needed more attention though." Taking another sip of the cool drink, he searched Rosetta's eyes. "Guess I kinda miss working with the ornery ones. Sometimes I get jealous the other guys get to do more of the breaking in than I do anymore, since I get to spend more hours in the office." He sighed, but then grinned. "Of course... that just means I get to spend more time with you, and that..." His arm slid back around her waist. "...makes everything worth it."

Seeing Ashlee was doing alright with Seven, Eric finally stood and wandered slowly around the barn. His leg had gotten even more sore from sitting so long, and the pain killers were wearing off, making his shoulder throb. Changing his route, he went to the main house, grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, and went outside again to sit on the porch swing. He had yet to run into Stacy, and wondered if she'd heard about his little incident yet. At least Jade and Wendy were watching the girls this afternoon so he wouldn't have to worry about them for a while. 

Okay, but then we gotta get a car as soon as we can because most routes for the buses and trains aren't going to start as late at night as we want to travel, unless we stay on one track to one destination, but I don't think we want to do that either. Too easy to follow.

Jason scanned the digital schedule on the screens again. 

Lets go ahead and take the train to Phoenix - it leaves in half an hour. No one knows we're gone yet so we have a little bit of time. That will keep us en route for a good while before anyone even realizes we're missing. It'll be the middle of the night when we arrive, which leaves us grabbing a hotel for a few hours or walking - I'd recommend the hotel. Then as soon as we can, we find a cheap car and drive the rest of the way ourselves. In the meantime...

He turned and kissed the top of her head. "Reese will get a hold of Mick and Rosetta. All we gotta do is head to the address we have." Pulling back, he smiled. 

Worst case scenario, Rosetta doesn't get in touch with them and we show up unannounced and look like two idiots. 

He laced his words with humor, trying to get her to smile too. "And then we find our own way." He brushed her cheek with his hand. "Come on. Let's get those tickets. Train rides are fun. It's... the vacation we never got."

Hal glanced at he clock for the umpteenth time, swiveling nervously in his chair. This day was murder, and it was just made worse that he couldn't talk to anybody about any of this. Eventually he couldn't stand it any longer, and pulled out his cell phone to text Sam. 

Just wanted to see how your
day was going. Good?
Thought I might bring takeout
Chinese for supper if you're
up to it.