June 12, 2017


Following Zan inside Destiny gave him a nod at his comment about not liking hospitals. She could understand why he didn't. He has lost someone he had cared deeply for and it was a bad memory that she was sure kept creeping back when he had to return. 

Listing to Tony as he explained what happened Destiny let out a sigh. He was lucky to be alive after drinking and driving, worst yet drinking and racing. It was dangerous enough without drinking. Just continuing to follow Zan to Jett's room she was quite.

 Finally, Destiny looked at Zan when he made his comment and shook her head. She could see how bad Jett still felt about everything. She had been just as worried about Jett as Zan and was happy to see at least he was alive, and not to badly injured. Coming closer to Jett Destiny smiled at him.

   "Hey, we were pretty worried, friends do that when they here their friends have been in a car accident. Let us help you ok and don't worry about anything else right now, it's forgotten and forgiven."

She couldn't speak for Zan but for herself, she had put everything else except Jett's health out of her mind. All that mattered right now was getting him home safely, and making sure Zan could keep an eye on him too. 

   "Now don't you go using poor Dylan as your scapegoat all the time or I'll have to whip you into shape."

Returning Hunter's kiss Ryan slid off his lap and stood next to him. Hearing if he heard anything he'd let them know Ryan nodded. Walking with both Hunter and Dylan to the door. Stopping once they got there she leaned up and gave Hunter another kiss before drawing back her eyes were sparkling.

   "We make a pretty good team you know that?"

Looking over at Dylan she grinned it was a nice evening without any issues and she hoped Dylan had, had a nice time.

   "It was great having you along Dylan. I hope you had fun too so you'll join us again!"

As Hal spoke to her Sam opened her eyes seeing the movie was over. The house still seemed quiet so Adison must not have come home. Honestly, she was happy, right now she just didn't want anyone else chewing her out. 

   "I'll be ok.  Still feeling kinda crappy but better than I was. I don't know what tomorrow will bring, probably a lot of boredom but I am sure I'll make it."

Sitting up Sam gave a small smile though it wasn't her normal cheery smile. Her hair was a mess, her face was a mess and honestly, right now, she didn't care. Hal had been right though tomorrow was a new day and hopefully she could feel at least a little better. Tonight Hal had helped her and she was thankful.

   "Thank you for coming to check on me, and not giving up when I answered the door. I feel a lot better then I did."