June 17, 2017


   "And I thank you for that. It means a great deal to me it does."

Destiny smiled as Zan left to give Jett his rootbeer. Hearing him call from the other room she smiles grew even more. She really did like Jett He was a sweet guy even if he was different. 

   "You're welcome."

Continuing to just put stuff away Destiny found her way around the kitchen just fine figuring out where everything was. Looking up as Zan came back in Destiny's heart went out to them both. She couldn't how hard this would be for Zan and Jett both, but it had to be resolved. 

Taking Zan by the hand Destiny lead him back into the room where Jett was and stood in front of the couch looking at both men and still smiling.

   "Jett I forgive you for the other night, and just because you can be a little crude at times doesn't mean I don't like you. I do...you are nice, sweet, and funny. From the first day you showed me around the races I considered you a friend."

Looking at Jett she nodded and then looked at Zan too.

   "Zan, Jett...you guys are both friends and need to put this whole thing to rest. Jett you gotta listen with open ears and Zan you gotta not give up so easily. Both of you need to work this out, yell if you have too I dont care as long as you both are better when its over.  You are no longer a sidekick Jett...you are Jett, and Zan you are gonna start respecting him as such, as long as you respect Zan as well Jett. No one is perfect, and you will slip up from time to time, but if you keep trying that's what matters."

Huffing Destiny left them both there and started walking to the kitchen before stopping and turning again to look at them.

   "I got a lot of good food too so figure everything out fast, or I am going to eat it all myself and look like a hippo." 

Hearing her phone go off again Aerith smiled seeing it was Wyatt. Not replying she tucked the phone back in her pocket and wondered out to his table.

   "Why good afternoon sir...Were you waiting for someone or can I start your order?"

Scarlet laughed as she moved her foot along Eli's. She wasn't sure she completely believed him about not getting tired of her but none the less it made her feel good. 

   "Well good because by now you are stuck with me."

Wrapping the rest of her sub up and finishing off her water Scarlet was full. She didn't want Eli to have to go back to work already but she knew he did have too.  Hearing about Tal her smiled grew just a little more.

   "She likes him. Says he is nice, funny, and she likes hanging out with him. He's really helped bring her out of her shell a little. It's nice to know he is doing better too. I was worried about him there for a little bit."

Hearing what Garret wanted Thirteen smiled. He really had remembered what she made him the last time he was here, that made her feel good. 

   "Sure thing."

Turning it didn't take long for Thirteen to whip up she chocolate raspberry milkshake. He was the only one who had ever had it before but she was happy he liked it. Finished and bringing it over to him she smiled again. 

   "So how have you been?"