June 27, 2017

Right Here

As Stacy threw her arms around him, Eric hugged her back tightly. He could feel his own tears in his eyes, simply overwhelmed by her response. Her love. It was more than he could ever ask for, hope for, or dream for. "I love you too... forever and always." 

Eventually drawing back, he took his thumb and wiped away some of her tears and smiled before giving her lips a soft kiss. "Sure am glad Xander took your shift tonight... otherwise I'd be in a heap of trouble for distracting you." Still smiling, he took her hand to hold it up and look at the ring that reflected the lights in the night sky. "Think we ought to see how long it takes Ashlee to notice?" he teased.

Kirk's eyes dropped as he listened to what Adison said. A part of him agreed with her. Maybe that's why this whole thing was so hard... because maybe he did see both sides and just didn't want to admit it. Everything had always been black and white... so when encountering this gray area, he honestly had no idea how to resolve it. One thing he knew for sure though - if the FBI found out some other way about Jason and Katie, Barnes would have his head for not telling them himself. 

Brought out of his thoughts, he sighed and considered the invitation. "Okay." If he didn't go do something now, he'd just wind up stewing about this all evening. Standing, he shut his laptop and grabbed his keys. "Just keep me away from the bar," he warned. He'd done well lately, in spite of his stress, but only because Adison was around. If she wasn't, he knew good and well he'd fall back into old habits. And tonight... drinking away his worries couldn't sound better. 

Dylan's eyes reflected Dalton's worry. He wasn't very close to either Jason or Katie but... he did care... probably more than anyone realized, and more than he'd ever let on. His first guess would be the Agency as well, but Dalton was right - if that were the main concern, Reese would have them all over it. There was only one other possibility... He bit his lip and studied the floor for a moment. 

Jamison caught his look and cocked his head. "What is it?"

"Oh, um..." Dylan knew better than to talk about it. He'd been told that the four new people here didn't know everything, and he'd given his word not to let anything slip. "Nothing."

"Yes... there's something. Tell us." 

Dylan shook his head. "It's not my place."

Jamison's brow furrowed. "Why? Just because you're an intern? You know Jason and Katie both. Do you have a theory?" 

Dylan looked at Dalton again. Even the giant didn't seem to have any ideas, but Dylan couldn't say anything. 

Jamison waited in silence until he finally cleared his throat. "I, um... may have overheard half a conversation yesterday..."

Dylan's eyebrows rose. "Between who?"

"I was on my way downstairs and I heard Hal talking on the phone." Jamison glanced at Dalton, then back to Dylan, but clamped his mouth shut.

Making his own judgment call, Dylan shut the office door and came closer to the desks. "What did you hear?" he asked more pointedly. If Jamison himself was going to be a threat to Jason and Katie, Dylan wanted to know. He might just be an intern, but he wouldn't throw his family to the wolves either. 

Jamison swallowed hard. "Nothing that made any sense," he admitted. "Just that... Kirk and Adison now knew something about Katie and Jason, and that they needed help. It was obvious Hal didn't want anyone to hear, and I don't know who he called but... I don't think it was Agency related. Something happened right here." His eyes searched Dalton's face. He'd had suspicions of something going on but had never dared ask. Now though, it seemed those questions could perhaps lead them to the truth of what was going on. "Is there... something with Katie and Jason that's been kept under wraps?"