June 25, 2017


Sitting with Kirk Adison just listened to him munching on her warmed up pizza. She new it best to just let him get everything out of his system before trying to talk. He was frustrated, confused and so was she honestly with this whole thing.

   "Well, not we do know the truth and maybe they didn't tell us because they were scared? I mean yes they should have but...I don't know I don't know anything while this whole mess. I didn't even know this was possible. By the way, I told you they were superheroes."

Taking another bite of her pizza and chewing it for a second a little humor danced in her eyes trying to get Kirk to smile if even just a little bite. Finishing her bite she spoke again.

   "They have done well with their abilities in the field this long...Do you really think it would be smart to uproot them? I mean where else could they possibly work, and live normal lives. They didn't choose this...but are stuck with it. I just want to make sure we are looking at all the angles."

Sitting the crust of her pizza down and leaning forward Adison took Kirk's hand in her own. She didn't like seeing him this stressed out. It was more than she had ever seen before.

   "If you do that...so do I. I won't work without you. I always have your back we just...have to be sure what we are doing is really the right thing."

Leaning into Eric gently Stacy smiled at him. At least he still had his sense of humor, and his charm. She loved him for both those reasons and the face he was so good with Ashlee.

   "Now don't go blaming yourself. You were just trying to help and Ash was with you, its because of that reason I know she was safe."

Rocking with the swing Stacy laughed a little before leaning a little closer to Eric. Placing a soft kiss on his lips she drew away her eyes sparkling.

   "I think I can keep you occupied for a few days."