June 30, 2017

In Time

Seeing Eric and Ashlee come closer Stacy smiled. The morning had come early, and she had gotten up a little earlier than the normal chore time to make sure Xander had made out ok last night. Making her own rounds to make sure everything was and still going smoothly she finally had made it to the dinning hall.

   "Hey, you two."

Returning the kiss to Eric and watching as he and Ashlee sat down she slid two more cups of coffee to them she had gotten since she was there first. 

   "Not yet..but then again I haven't really seen many people this morning yet. Maybe I should just flash my hand around more."

   "That's one reason I didn't want to tell you to start with, along with not feeling like it was my place. I didn't want you in this position, but now you are and now you have to choose what you do next."

Dalton was quiet for a second. He knew this was new to Jamison just like it was new to the rest of the FBI. They had always worked with gray, and the others it was always black and white.

   "Sooner or later we all have to trust Kirk, maybe seeing what he does about Katie and Jason will be the proof everyone needs. Other than that...I don't know. If you need to tell him about Hal I understand I just...I don know."

Listing to Garret again Maggie tried to understand. It was hard but she thought she got it a little. Her eyes were still sad though. She was going to miss having Garret around, being greeted by him after school and showing him what she did all day. It was going to be lonely.

   "Ok, but only if I can come and see you still and you come here too. I will miss you very much."

Maggie tried to give a smile before she started coughing again. Hearing her Nate came into the room with a bottle of medicine. The first time he had wondered if maybe she had just choked on some of her drink but hearing it this time he knew she was coming down with something and they needed to head it off while they could. 

   "Here Maggie, take this ok."


   "Maggie, you need to so you don't get any sicker...ok?"


Once Maggie had taken her medicine he disappeared into the kitchen again. Seeing Laura he let out a long sigh. Normally they could catch it before any symptoms showed of her being sick but it almost seemed like this popped up out of nowhere. 

   "I hope we got it in time. If she still has that cough tomorrow I'll have Rick come look at her."