June 15, 2017


Hearing the knock on her door once again Angelica looked up seeing Wyatt. She was a bit surprised to see him there. He didn't normally come to talk to her and for a moment she was worried. Just listing her expression softened a little. She knew Reese was stressed and acting different lately and she felt bad. 

   "He is super stressed with everything going on. If he can just relax I think he would be ok. If I can get him to do that."

Thinking for a long second she wished there was an easier way to help calm Wyatt's fears but there really wasn't and she knew it. Maybe having him over would be nice for everyone.

   "I know your dad mentioned he was pretty tired today, but how about this weekend we have a bbq at the house. You can bring Aerith and everyone can just have a nice time and relax? I bet your dad would like that."

   "I know I don't HAVE to stay...I wasn't too. That's what friends do you know."

Giving Jett a smile Destiny helped clean up before picking up the antiseptic and bandages and sitting down in the chair in front of Jett again. Unwrapping the bandages she grimaced a the wounds on his hand. They were stitched up nicely but were looking a little red. Getting taking the antiseptic she put in on a cotton ball and dragged around the area. She knew it more than likely hurt but she needed to clean them.

   "They look a little redder than they should be the start of a mild infection. Just make sure you keep cleaning them out and changed the bandaged if they get dirty."

Once finished with that she took the new gauze bandage and started to wrap his hand. She was pretty good at it and it even surprised her. She hadn't practiced in a while.

   "There you go, you should be set for now. I actually have to admire my handy work. My dad always wanted me to know how to take care of wounds, and such in case I ever needed it with his work. I never had to use it so I am surprised I still remember. How are you feeling as a hole after you eat?"

Sitting with Eli for lunch Scarlet was happy they were able to make it work. It was always the best part of her day when they could get together. Even if it was just for lunch it was a bright spot and she enjoyed it a lot.

Taking a bite of her own sub, Scarlet just listened to Eli. A bit of surprise crossed her face when he mentioned thinking maybe Zan had something to do with the Agency. She didn't know as much as Eli when it came to that stuff but she was usually a good judge of character. Maybe she had been wrong? It wasn't the first time for sure.

   "Really? You think Zan might be Agency?"

Scarlet took a sip of her water before speaking again.

   "He seems like a really down to earth guy. He gave Jett what for yesterday at the races for an inappropriate comment he made towards Destiny. Maybe it's just all an act?"