June 9, 2017


Sam cringed at Reese's words and even Kirk's. They didn't yell but she could feel the anger in their words and it stung. She knew what she did was dumb but she had felt it was the best move and she wasn't sorry. Looking to Kirk and then to Reese Sam took her badge and her gun and handed it to Kirk.

   "I understand."

Turning her followed Pete to the door before stopping and looking back at Reese for a long moment before speaking. 

   "I would always help someone if I thought it was the right thing. Not just the people you are helping here, but our own team too."

Sam didn't know if Reese knew her implication or not but she had said it anyways because she felt like she needed too. Leaving the office she stopped in the hall again and looked to Pete.

   "I'm sorry I dragged you into this."

Nate was surprised hearing what Reese said. He had no idea what was going on but nodded at Garret. He knew he was right Aaron could be gone already for all they new. He was happy Garret was with him though since he knew him so well. 

   "You drive, you know where he might head first. I'll call Jason and Katie!"

Ryan accepted the kiss from Hunter and returned her own. Her adrenalin was still going and man it had been good to be behind the wheel again. It was nice to see everyone accepted her back too. Pulling away from Hunter and looking up at him Ryan's eyes twinkled.

   "We did it, and I think you have been practicing since I have been gone. You were amazing too."

As Zan came over to them Destiny's smile grew even more. She was really proud of Zan and the others. They had done amazing and it was nice to see them stick up for the newbies. She just liked knowing the guy she had fallen for was willing to stick up for the little guy.

   "You guys were amazing and kicked butt tonight."

Stepping closer to Zan Destiny didn't care where they were or who was watching. Pulling him into a kiss she just let it linger for a long moment as she put her arms around his neck. Finally pulling away she smiled.

Seeing what was going on next to her Scarlet almost choked on her root beer. Just staring at them for a long moment she finally whistled at them in a cat call form as a smile spread on her lips.

   "Are you both still going to try and convince us you are friends? Because Um...I don't think friends kiss like that. "

Leaning her head against Zan's Destiny looked to Scarlet and she could feel a little heat coming to her cheeks at her joking comment. 

   "Mmm..it kinda just happened."