June 25, 2017


Kirk heaved a sigh and toyed with Adison's fingers as she took his hand. "It doesn't matter what we think is right. Doing our jobs... following the rules... that's what counts."

His stomach growled but he tried to ignore it. He hadn't had anything to eat all day except what little he'd had for lunch. In reality, he'd eaten very little for the last couple weeks, and it was starting to show in his face. He usually had the appetite of a horse, so this only proved the stress he felt.

"It doesn't matter," he repeated. "My opinion doesn't come into play here. I know what the FBI would want, and they would want to know about this. It's not a matter of uprooting anyone - it's a matter of utilizing Jason and Katie's abilities outside the confines of the Elite. The Elite is too small a place for something as big as this. If they really want to help innocent people, they need to use their abilities for more than just catching a few petty criminals."

Kirk paused, swallowing hard. "You know that's what the FBI would say. They'd want Jason and Katie moved, quite possibly to the military." Mentally putting himself in their shoes at that point almost made him feel sick. "I can't do that to them," he concluded. "But this can't be kept secret!" The cycle started all over again. "It's not only unfair to departments like the FBI, it's downright dangerous to keep hiding this thing! What if they're not the only ones? What if there are others? What if those others exist within the Agency? We should know how to combat it!"

Pausing again, he felt his pulse racing from getting so worked up. "I can't make the call... I can't! But that means I'm not the right man for this job. And if that's true, I should just go crawling back to Barnes and admit I failed at this entire project. He'd be thrilled and the FBI can just shut down the Elite and be done. That's what they really want anyway! Besides, the entire Elite staff would sacrifice their jobs before betraying Katie and Jason so it wouldn't be hard to shut them down." 

Slouching even further into the couch, he stared into nothingness as his tone lowered again. "They're doing so much good... Why do they have to buck the system so much? If they just played by the rules, it would be so much easier. If Jason and Katie don't want exposure, then maybe they don't belong there."

Eric grinned as Stacy gave him a kiss. "Mmm... this is sounding better and better." Retreating a little, he took his a back to slide his hand down and take hers.

"Ya know... It's kinda hard to imagine what it was like without you I'm my life." His thumb ran over her knuckles gently. He knew his hands were rough. His life wasn't easy. He had baggage. But did she love him enough to bypass all of that?

He swallowed hard, recalling his conversation with Angel. "Kinda hard to imagine what it would be like without you now too," he admitted softly. He turned to search her face. "With all the bumps along the way... can you... see yourself staying here? I mean... indefinitely?"