June 25, 2017


As Kirk curled into her lap Adison let out a small sigh. Running her fingers through his hair she didn't say anything more. Kirk was stressed out and now it was time to try and relax as best as they could. When he got stressed it worried her because it was always more than the normal person.

   "How about for now we forget about work and get some food, watch a movie, go play mini golf, something to help clear our minds."

Stacy could feel a small tear run from her eye down her cheek. She wasn't sad, she was the complete opposite. Her heart was completely filled with love and really she couldn't imagen life without Eric in it.

   "I never thought I would find love..and here you come. Now I could never imagen not having it."

Moving again and giving Eric's cheek another soft kiss she stood and offered her hand to him. wa

   "I would be honored to walk with you and also since you are sore I would be more than happy to take care of the girls tonight."

Pulling out her phone and seeing Reese's message Rosetta let out a sad sigh as she looked over to Mick.

   "Katie and Jason had to run. I've got to get a hold of Jed and Sarah."

Rosetta sent a quick reply to Reese.

Sometimes in the end that is the best.
Hang in there, things will work out.
We've got your back here.

Sending the text Rosetta opened her contact list and dialed a number she hadn't in a very long time. She hoped it was still the right one. Hearing a familiar voice on the other end she smiled. 

   "Hey Sarah is Rosetta. It has been a long time. Sorry to call out of the blue like this but I've got a favor to ask...."