June 19, 2017

Your Fault

"No..." Zan shook his head. "Incredible was the right word." He returned Destiny's kiss lightly, then turned to the food and grinned. "I think I like the way you shop."

He grabbed a spoon to dish out some of the chip dip. "And how on earth do you always know what I like?"


He looked up as Jett yelled at him from the other room. "Yeah?"

"Um... Can you bring me a paper towel? Or...two?"

Zan's eyes widened. "What did you do?"

"Um... I may have spilled my rootbeer..."

Zan's​ shoulders dropped and he shook his head as he couldn't help but laugh. "Hang on." He glanced at Destiny with a wry grin. "Just like a little kid." He grabbed the paper towels and went to help clean up the accidental mess.

"Sorry." Jett was wedged between the couch and coffee table, trying to clean the spilled drink, while making matters worse with his bum arm knocking into things.

Stopping a few feet away, Zan started to laugh. He couldn't even talk for a minute, he was laughing so hard.

Jett blinked and tried to get up, but just wedged himself in further. Realizing how funny he must look, he started laughing too.

"Destiny!" Zan hollered as he neared with the paper towels. "I think this is gonna require your help..."

Jett kept laughing and tried to pull himself up on the couch, but with one arm it was nearly impossible. The carpet and front of the couch were wet with rootbeer, as was his pantleg now from sitting in it. "Ow, ow... stop laughing," he gasped and held his ribs. "It hurts!"

Zan tried to stop, but just ended up coughing because of it. "How did you..."

"Well I was just... I went to... It..." Jett laughed and winced again. "All I wanted to do was go look at your movies. It's your fault."

"My fault?!" Zan's jaw dropped and he unrolled several towels. "I was in the other room. Destiny is my witness."

Wyatt grinned again. "I think that sounds like a fine plan." He sighed. "Actually I just want a personal size pizza, just pepperoni today, with some water to drink. And tell Carson to take his time."

He leaned back in his chair and waited until Aerith returned, giving her a new smile, though his eyes were tired. "So the stress at the office is so thick, it could make the building explode. How are things here?"

Garret cocked his head as he listened to Thirteen, and glanced back to the kitchen where Carson was working. It was hard to believe the Australian was now a cook at a pizza place, let alone the kind of employer that someone like Thirteen would enjoy working for. That was not the same Carson who used to be in the Agency. 

"Looks like you're all set then." He took another slow sip of the shake, enjoying the coolness as it slid down his throat. "I... heard Ryder's your boyfriend." There was another oddity. Ryder had had high security clearance in the Agency. Though not up front, he'd been involved in some pretty heavy behind-the-scenes stuff - along with his brother... whom Carson had shot and killed. The web was a strange and tangled one for sure. "Thought maybe he'd be working for the Elite... what's he do for a living now?" He was curious about those who survived and got out of the Agency. They all seemed to go different directions. Maybe he was trying to find some rhyme or reason to help him find Aaron.