June 11, 2017


Hal leaned into Sam's hand, glad for her affection. He'd been worried maybe that had been gone. Hearing her request, he didn't even have to think about it, and immediately nodded. If anything, he was just glad she was letting him stay at all after not wanting him there in the first place. "Of course I will." 

He stood and took their bowls to rinse them out. "You go pick the movie." It didn't take him long to finish cleaning up and then turning off the light in the kitchen. If he was really honest, he didn't want Sam alone when Adison came home either, especially if Kirk was with her. He might not agree with what Sam had done, but he didn't think she needed to be raked over the coals anymore either.

Joining her in the living room and seeing she'd gotten a movie on, he sat down on one end of the couch and kicked off his shoes, ready to stay a while. Turning diagonally and putting his feet up on the coffee table, he motioned for Sam to join him, and pulled her down close so she could cuddle up under his arm. He had nothing on his mind other than making her feel better, and as long as she was letting him stay, he would.

Zan hesitated at Destiny's offer. He could go by himself. There was no reason for her to have to ruin her night by visiting the hospital. As he struggled with his bootlaces though, he realized his hands were shaking. Maybe he should let her drive. "Um... yeah... yeah, okay."

"You can just leave your car here for now," Eli assured. "Pick it up later or we can bring it to you. Just let one of us know." He'd offer to go along too, but he knew sometimes it was better not to form a crowd until they had more information.

"Thanks, guys." Zan nodded to Ryan, then caught Scarlet's eye. She, Destiny and Dylan were the only ones who knew about his words with Jett earlier. If he hadn't yelled at the man, he would probably be here with them right now. Jett annoyed him sometimes, but he was still a friend, and Zan did care. He took a deep breath and started for the door. "We'll let you know what's happening." 

Once they were gone, Hunter pursed his lips grimly and shook his head. "That's too bad. I hope he's okay. Zan said Jett just wanted to party tonight, huh?"

Dylan glanced over at Scarlet, then back at the floor. 

Hunter caught it, and turned his attention to Scarlet too. "What? What really happened?"

Outside and getting into Destiny's car, Zan buckled up, his mind going a hundred miles an hour. He knew this wasn't his fault. Jett was an idiot, and who knew what he got himself into after the race? But still. If Zan hadn't chewed him out so bad, he would have just gone to Ryan and Eli's with everyone else. He wouldn't be in the hospital, and he wouldn't have done anything else stupid either. 

Zan rested his head against the window and closed his eyes. This bothered him a lot more than it should. He'd witnessed accidents in the races. He'd even been in his own more than he cared to admit. But when someone else got hurt and he could have done something to stop it... that's where it hit too close to home. That's where it brought up emotions he'd been trying to bury for over three years now.