June 15, 2017

A Little Concerned

Reese gave Angelica a wry grin. "It's probably just the tired Mike talking," he admitted. Returning her kiss, he hugged her tight. "A vacation sounds wonderful. Impossible, but wonderful." He sighed and drew back, giving her a kiss to the forehead too. "I'll just hold you in my arms and close my eyes tonight and pretend we're on a deserted island somewhere." He managed a smile before finally letting her go to leave her office. If he didn't get to the phone soon, he'd be in even more trouble.

It wasn't more than five minutes later, when there was another knock on her door. This time, it was Wyatt - which really wasn't a very frequent thing. Although he'd come to terms with his father marrying her, and he did like her, they didn't interact very much. "Hey, Angelica?" He slipped inside and let the door fall shut most of the way. "Is my dad okay?" There was worry in his eyes. "He hasn't said anything, he just... hasn't been acting like himself. I mean, I know he's stressed with stuff around here and all but..." He shrugged. "We were supposed to go fishing last night and I guess he spaced it. I didn't say anything 'cause I didn't want him to feel bad but... it wasn't like him."

Jett lifted his eyebrows as Destiny offered to help. She was... different. She didn't act or talk like the other women he usually hung out with. Maybe that's why Zan had gotten so mad at him. He concentrated on his food again, and fumbled a bit with his fork.

Zan noticed and grinned. "Pancake trying to run away from you?"

"Very funny."

"Well, at least it was your left arm that got the brunt of it."

Jett smirked as he continued to eat somewhat awkwardly. "I'm left handed."

Zan blinked. "You are? How come I didn't know that?"

"You... didn't open your eyes?" A little smile finally tugged at Jett's mouth. He gave Destiny a sidelong glance. "Better watch him... he doesn't always see what's right in front of him."

"Hey now." Zan reached over to poke his shoulder.

Jett flinched, then threw him a look. He sighed and took another bite of pancake before looking up at the clock. "I had a meeting today," he mused.

"I can take you somewhere," Zan offered. "I'm taking the day off anyway."

"No," Jett replied quickly. "I mean... it's okay. I'll... I'll just reschedule it." Would he even have that luxury? Probably not. But it was worth a try.

The table fell quiet again as they ate, and soon Zan was cleaning up the dishes. Jett touched his head gingerly where the bandage was, and once again glanced over to Destiny. "You don't have to stay and help," he mentioned quietly. "I mean... you've already done more than I deserve." He remembered everything about last night, including her coming to the hospital.

"So we had our second session with Garret today. Kicked my butt." Eli took another bite of his sub as he sat across from Scarlet eating lunch. He'd been dying to tell her that he already knew Dylan from meeting him at the Elite, but hadn't had a chance until now. "Dylan's doing really well I think. Super quiet, but I think he's thinking constantly and figuring things out. He's smarter than he lets people believe." 

He shook his head as he chewed. "Now though, the Elite's got a lot going on and things are kinda crazy. I'm supposed to be keeping my eye out for an Agency recruiter in the area and they think whoever it is has been prowling around the desert races. I haven't been able to sniff anything out, however..." He paused as a piece of cheese fell out of his sub and he grabbed it to add it to his bite. He had to get to work soon and was trying to cram as much as he could into this conversation. "Destiny? Her ex-boyfriend is Elite - or was until they found out he'd been a leak. So I'm a little concerned about who Zan really is."