June 2, 2017

If you want

Bree couldn't help the laugh through her tears at Gunner's comment. He had forgotten but that was ok, it was ok now and she had no problem with it at all. Returning his kiss with every ounce of her own emotion Bree just let her feelings show. She has missed this, missed feeling the love she knew was true. 

   "I think it worked...you seem a lot happier. Let me go get my Uncle to talk with you ok."

Leaving Gunner for the moment Bree looked for her Uncle. Finding him she walked up to him and just gave him a big hug. Pull away her smile was big as she looked at him a few tears in her eyes still.

   "He remembers me...he says he remembers everything. He's also asking if the surgery worked. I told him I thought it did but I would get you to talk to him more."

   "You are only a sidekick if that's what you want to be. You have the skill, you should use it and you are the only one holding yourself back."

Turning to the others and hearing the novice race had been moved Ryan didn't really mind too much. The sooner it was the sooner they could take out the trash.

   "I can do tomorrow, I just might have to work through my lunch. So...you all owe me one."

Hearing about the pizza Destiny looked to Zan and her smile grew even more. Did he really have to ask? I guess that was better than just assuming.

   "Um...its pizza, do you really think I would turn that down?"

Ryan smiled at Hunter before nudging him. If only everyone would be back sooner they could invite Dylan along. Oh well there would be more time for that for sure.

   "Oh I guess I wont keep you out all night...lets eat!"

Sam accepted the light kiss. She liked them just as much as making out with him. They were filled with just as many emotions as anything else if not maybe more. Letting her fingers just keep playing with his Sam was content and happy. 

   "I'm ok with just staying like this for a while."

Giving Hal another kiss Sam broke away and leaned her head on his chest again giving a content sigh. This was perfect to her. How could she ever ask for me.

   "Do you like it here in town? Or would you like the country more?"